I come from a big family, I have Six Siblings with my mum and dad included. Every moment with members of my family is well spent, we engage in a lot of activities together as one big family, great times.
In my home, we are have been imbibed with the need to give back to the community and always help those in need at all times. The act of charitable giving has always been instilled in us. So after securing a partnership deal with XQUAKE Cryptocurrency who funds our charity work.
I have been able to carry out two charity project with my family members.

They help me put things together and see that our charity work is a success. It is usually fun working together with them as a TEAM.
Our first charity together was providing provisions and food items to The Red Cross Motherless Babies Home in Onitsha. My family and I were able to deliver 6 cartons of Indomie, 2 bags of pampers, 2 Cartons of Milk and Chocolate Beverage, 3 bags of tissue and 2 cartons of Biscuit.

This charity was a huge success because of the effort and support of my Family.
Our Second Charity was the biggest activity we have ever undertaken together as a family, we prepared a delicious meal of Jellof Rice, Salad and Chicken which we shared to the homeless and the hungry on the streets.

Without the funds from Xquake and the support of the best team in the world which is my family none of this would be possible.

It is always fun when we come together as one to pursue a common goal. My family is what makes everything we do together have life and meaning. I can't trade them for anything in the world.