in # instablurt •  2 years ago • 2 min read

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When you mention AI, what comes to most people minds now is ChatGPT but before now it's used to be the movie Terminator from back in the day.
The movie portrayed all the things that could go wrong if human beings gave too much control to machines and when the AI craze first came up, this was a major concern for a lot of people.

Now though it seems majority have moved past that initial fear and are now embracing AI for quite a number of uses. From creating music that wasn't really recorded by artists to creating images that belongs to no one, humans are finding many fun ways to use AI technology.

It has become quite a close chat companion for many people and so far I've read so many hilarious back and forth between humans and their AI.
With many going as far as using them as therapy for happenings in their lives. A lot of people have claimed they've gotten great results almost as good as human therapists.

One use though that seems to be getting a lot of popularity recently is AI trading bots used for exactly what the name suggests, which is TRADING.

Knowing how and when to use different trading strategy used to be a skill valued amongst traders and although it still is at the moment, it looks like that might not be the case if the trend eventually finds enough traction.

Many sites are currently coming up which use AI bots to trade (this looks to be popular on the forex scene) while all you have to do is put in your money and sit back while the AI does the job.

It looks like it didn't take too long for people to warm up to use of AI, it looked like yesterday when there was a clamor for care to be taken in the use of AI technology.
I guess everyone has moved past the Terminator fright and are only looking at it's potential usage.

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