in # instablurt •  2 years ago • 2 min read

I saw a post from a guy called Aproko doctor earlier today and the words actually resonated on another incident that happened much earlier in the day.
It says You know what scares me about humans?
Every single person has a reason that is valid to them for every action they make,good or bad

Ask an armed robber why he chose crime and he or she will give you reasons they believe are absolutely valid. Or ask someone why they donated money to an orphanage and you'll get a reason valid to them as well.

Of course, no one has a problem when it's a good thing but what if it's a bad thing. The robber will probably tell you he had to feed his family and when nothing was coming up, he had to take up crime.
To him, the fact that he had to feed his family is enough justification regardless of whatever you might say to him.

That's how beautiful and equally scary our unpredictability can be. Earlier today, I was home trying to relax after the government announced there was a public holiday for traditional worshipers to celebrate their religion.

Coincidentally today was also the day some relief aids in the form of food were brought into the area to be distributed amongst the citizens. It was the government way of trying to ease the economic hardship, since the price of petroleum products had increased over the last few weeks.
An increase that affected the cost of living tremendously.

Of course people wanted the government to do more, but the start was a welcome development as it showed they were actually listening to the people's complaints.
The downside to the distribution was that the people in charge had decided to sell instead of share for free as directed.

Their only justification was that they were selling it at a more cheaper rate than people would have gotten it if they wanted to buy from the market.
I was disappointed to say the least, because these were people trying to exploit citizens already feeling an economic hardship.

Most people refused the offer, but a few didn't mind buying it at a cost because it was way cheaper. Which was why when I saw the post about how humans find a way to justify the things they do, I could easily relate to it.

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