Bok, kako sam? Margita Boko? Godinama sam zamorana majka

in # introducemyself •  3 years ago • 5 min read


Bok, kako sam? Margita Boko? Godinama sam zamorana majka. Ostavila sam sve da postagem super mama. Evo moje inspirative priče za svaku majku u ovoj zajednice, baš pop up mene. kćeri koje volim i obožavam ovo sam ja i moja priča

Hi, how am I? Margita Boko? I have been a tired mother for years. I left everything to become a super mom. Here is my inspirational story for every mother in this community, pop up me. daughters that I love and adore, this is me and my story


Žena koja je počinila samoubojstvo. Samo, nitko. Sama, bez ičije pomoći. Sama i neozlijeđena, sa svojom djecom. Ovo su riječi koje opisuju SAMOSTONU MAJKU Možete li zamisliti ženu koja više razmišlja o partneru svoje djece nego o hrani? Možete zamisliti depresivnu ženu kako sjedi na balkonu stare kuće dok joj se djeca bez cipela igraju na ulici.

A woman who committed suicide. Only, no one. Alone, without anyone's help. Alone and unharmed, with her children. These are the words that describe a SINGLE MOTHER Can you imagine a woman who thinks more about her children's partner than about food? You can imagine a depressed woman sitting on the balcony of an old house while her children play in the street without shoes.


Zamorana majka je iznad svega. Ona je žena koja sjedi za stolom brinući se oko plaćanja računa, žena koja samo kuha i pere na jeftinu struju, žena koja štedi novac da svojoj djeci kupi darove kojima će ih iznenaditi na božićno jutro. . Ona je žena koja štedi sve do zadnje novčića da uloži u svoju djecu da se ta djeca ne osjećaju zakinuto za svoje roditelje, žena koja završava sama sa sobom, žena koja se brine o njoj jer je znao da nitko drugi nije, za je bio je sam i brani se.

A tired mother is above all else. She is the woman who sits at the table worrying about paying the bills, the woman who only cooks and washes on cheap electricity, the woman who saves money to buy her children gifts to surprise them with on Christmas morning. . She is a woman who saves every last penny to invest in her children so that those children do not feel deprived of their parents, a woman who ends up with herself, a woman who takes care of her because he knew no one else did, he was for alone and defends himself.


Samohrana majka bila je žena koja se molila za svoju djecu dok su zavala ogledala ih sa setom na prsima dok su jeliza stolom. Samohrana majka je žena koja nema zadovoljstva u životu, koja je prepuštena sama i zbog koje se njen bivši muž (u većini slučajeva) rugao uz povremeno negodovanje. Bila je to žena koja se u slobodno vrijeme posvetila djeci i uvijek dodatno radila. Bila je žena koja nije imala vremena za kavu i druženje, žena koja je skrivala suze i plakala iz dječjih očiju. Samohrana majka bila je žena koja je češljala svoju djecu, pripremala obrok, oblačila ih, ljubila u čelo i slala u školu. Samohrana majka je bila heroj, ratnik i najslavniji ratnik.

A single mother was a woman who prayed for her children while she looked at them with a set on her chest as they sat at the table. A single mother is a woman who has no satisfaction in life, who is left alone and for whom her ex-husband (in most cases) mocked with occasional resentment. She was a woman who devoted herself to children in her free time and always worked extra. She was a woman who didn't have time for coffee and socializing, a woman who hid tears and cried from children's eyes. A single mother was a woman who combed her children's hair, prepared a meal, dressed them, kissed them on the forehead and sent them to school. A single mother was a hero, a warrior and the most famous warrior.


Iako se nije bila protiv grupe vojnika s velikim tenkovima i topovima, zamorana majka je bila žena koja je radila sa svojih deset prstiju i gladno držala svoju, žena koja nije željela da joj djeca budu drugačija. mnogi drugi. Ta žena koja te šutke osuđuje prošla je kroz pakao veći nego što itko može zamisliti. On je jedan za za svoju bol. On je bio jedini koji je znao kako se osjeća. Samo je jedna majka znala kroz što prolazi. Samo mu je duša bila prazna, srce razderano, ranjeno. Na kraju krajeva, on je jedini koji zna koliko je bogat jer se bori za jedino pravo na život - ZA SVOJU OBITELJ!

Although she was not against a group of soldiers with large tanks and cannons, the tired mother was a woman who worked with her ten fingers and hungrily held her, a woman who did not want her children to be different. many others. That woman who silently condemns you has been through a hell greater than anyone can imagine. He is one for his pain. He was the only one who knew how she felt. Only one mother knew what she was going through. Only his soul was empty, his heart torn, wounded. After all, he is the only one who knows how rich he is because he is fighting for the only right to live - FOR HIS FAMILY!

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