Hi! My name is Ortee Ter-er Thomas. I'm from Makurdi, Benue state, Nigeria 🇳🇬. I was born 1st of September, 2001.
I'm a final year student of Philosophy at St. Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary, Makurdi.
From my youth I developed a tremendous interest in photography and hairstyling. This subsequently led me to being extremely passionate about photography and it definitely became my hobby to snap and edit pictures, especially making picturesque what I observe as aesthetic... Here are some photos I shot and edited.
When it comes to my relation with other people, I look to adopting classical representations of literary skills. It keeps me on edge reading a divine piece of poetry or prose.
And... I often assume my mind always explodes with ideas about life. Especially when it relates to teaching people how to choose their priorities,overcoming procrastination, securing a goal and renewing the desire to achieve that goal. I hope to put out such content.
Lastly, I heard about Blurt from a very good friend. According to her, her experience with blurt so far is tremendous and untold, and so I joined in. I'm looking forward to one of the greatest experiences during the course of my life.
Welcome to blurt family. I hope you enjoy it
Hello, it is a pleasure to welcome you to Blurt.
Welcome to blurt, we are happy to have you here on blurt.
Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to blurt ecosystem bro!
Thank you