Beware! Of Artificial Deception Of Beauty.

in # life •  last year (edited)• 2 min read

I have been talking about my gender these days because we have too many issues associate with the way we live.


Makeups is one of the way a woman can deceive you with her looks. There are much deception that lies when a lady put on a make ups, you have to be very careful so you don't get deceived by this artificial beauty.

There are different levels of makeups right now. With this advancement it is very risky to conclude that a girl is beautiful because you saw her on makeups, you might be doing the wrong thing.

If you haven't seen a woman without makeup, never say she is beautiful because you might be shocked by what you see when the makeup is taken, you can be seeing another looks entirely different from what you saw earlier.


Women invest a lot when it comes to their beauty because that is were they feel their attractive power comes from, that is why applying all kind of makeups, putting a made up face, an artificial hair and would always make sure her pictures are well photoshopped.

Beauty they say is very deceiptful, be careful of loving a woman only by looks, even if you want to do that not in this generation were everything can be faked.

Be conscious with reality, what you truly need from a woman is inner beauty not with artificial beauty. If you have not seen her face when she just woke up in the morning don't love only by her beauty.

Both inner and beauty is required from a woman, and you must not judge by only one. We the women love to always look beautiful always but don't judge us only by that so you don't get to regret at the end.

Women appreciate your natural beauty.

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