5 Minutes Freewrite; Display.

in # lifestyle •  last year • 2 min read


I always say that a lot of the things I learned from my parents are the things I watched them do. You'd be surprised by what kids can learn from their parents or anyone who has duty of care over them.

Now, we all know that parenting is something we are never really prepared for. However, parents need to be careful of the type of things they do in the presence of their kids. Your kids are always learning and they are always learning from the things you do.

So, why would you be lying in front of your kids? Why would you endorse fraudulent activities in the presence of your kids? Why would you bully people in the presence of your kids?

To call that "carelessness" is to barely scrap the surface, especially when you are sure that the kids are right there when you are doing those acts.

It's funny though. Some parents would tell their kids to be truthful, loyal, honest, and all. Yet, the actions they display in the presence of these kids don't have anything to do with what they preach.

Parents who have that "do what I say, not what I do" approach to child training make themselves highly questionable. Perhaps, they have a desire to turn their kids into liars, bullies & dishonest adults. That's certainly possible.

The point is that we all have so much to teach with our words. However, we have so much more to teach with our actions.

We need to act right.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
This is my entry to today's 5 Minutes Freewrite prompt, DISPLAY.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Pexels

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