5 Minutes Freewrite; I've grown a wing.

in # lifestyle •  last year • 2 min read

I genuinely don't want to get into deep thought to write something today because this week as a whole has been an interesting adventure. I've been quite busy with life, both offline and online.

Since it's the weekend already, I thought about something simple to share my thoughts on and my research led me to the 5 minutes Freewrite prompt for the day.

The topic says; I've grown a wing. I kinda like that because it defines the thing I'm currently trying to achieve with my physicality since few days ago.

For the record, I just came online to write this off the back of my 2½ hours of workout. This is my first day of back-to-back 2½ hours of workout and it's already bigger than all the workouts I did for the whole of 2023. I'm so fired up right now with this new adventure and I'm planning to do this for the whole of the year.


I use 2 hours for walking and 30 minutes for indoor workouts. For the indoor workout, I focus on pushups and sit-ups. I checked online for the cost of dumbbells and it's more expensive than I imagined. Haha. I would have to work with what I have and make the best of it.

Have all these workouts been telling on me?

Oh, yeah!

All my muscles feel tight and heavy. It feels like 5kg of whatever is tied to my lap and I feel it whenever I try to stand up from my working space. Also, my toes are already messed up. Some of them are swollen because the sneakers I'm wearing appear to be tight. I like my sneakers tight but seems like wearing them for 2 hours of intense walking will surely do some damage.

I'm taking all the pain and I'm going hard with this side of my adventure for the year. This is a big win for my physicality and it's also helping my mental health in ways that can't be explained. I feel like I've grown wings and I'm ready to fly.

Remember, this is a 5-minute Freewrite. Haha. It's almost 5 minutes. Lemme burst out of this and go get something good to eat.

Enjoy your weekend, mates.

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Thumbnail Image is taken from Pexels

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