New Year's Day? Nothing crazy happened that day.

in # lifestyle •  last year • 3 min read

I was just reading a story that was published by my cousin about the fun events that she and her family got to do during the holiday season. She even recorded a video of her kids jumping around in a game arcade and having the fun of their lives.

I watched that video before going to bed last night and a part of me wished to be the kid in that video, jumping around and enjoying the holiday season. I can already imagine the stories they would have to tell when they get the usual "Write an essay about your holiday season celebration". Haha. Just think about the joy they would have writing that essay.

My New Year celebration was so different from the one the kids had. Haha.


Adulting is truly one heck of a headache and I remember going to bed around 1am on New Year's Day. I didn't even go to bed because I was feeling sleepy. I had so much on my mind and I was thinking fast about how to rock this New Year. After thinking for a while, I disconnected all my gadgets and went to bed.

I woke up the next day and I got calls from my family. They were happily sending their New Year Blessings to me. Meanwhile, I tried as much as possible to not prolong the conversation because I didn't want to give away the fact that I was on medication at that time.

Yeah! I was treating Malaria, Catarrh, and cough.

How on Earth was I supposed to enjoy the New Year celebration when my whole being was beaten down by sickness?

I used the early hours of that day to dot the I and cross the T on the project which I kicked off on 1st January. I launched the project that day and got to do 3 business meetings with 3 people, across the globe. One was in Japan, another was in Germany. The other was in Canada. Ohhh... There was a 4th although the meeting happened later on New Year's Day. It was a meeting with someone in South Africa. All of these were done remotely, thanks to the internet.

It was around 10am when I went to do some homework. Stuff like filling up my water containers, slicing onions, and stuff. The working part of the day was pretty much wrapped up before 1pm and I laid my sick ass in my room while I dived into my watchlist. Haha. I'm not even kidding. I genuinely spent a lot of hours watching movies that day.

I later paused all movies and switched to the New Year EPL fixture between Liverpool and Newcastle United. What a game that was! It was the game that placed the icing on a day that was already well spent. I would have drafted a review for that game, but I wanted to spend the last few hours of that day prepping my mind for the adventure of 2024.

That's pretty much how my New Year's Day was spent. Nothing crazy or out of the ordinary happened. The last few hours of my New Year's Day were spent in a romantic delight.

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