That One Skill; The ability to craft words carefully.

in # lifestyle •  last year • 3 min read

People say someone can't be in his/her 20s and not have a skill. Well, you'd be surprised by the number of adults who are either unaware that they have a skill or have no skill at all.

If someone who knows you well enough says that you don't have a skill, the person may be wrong. However, if everyone who knows you sees you as someone who doesn't have a skill, you need to think about that and do some serious work. It gets worse when you know that they are right. It must suck to be that person, right?

What I've noticed with most people who are trapped in the 9-5 matrix is that they always say "Hey, my work makes me very busy and I don't have time to acquire a skill". I know that because I've worked and I talk with folks in that line of life. The truth is, some of them are not as busy as you think they are. They are just lazy and too scared to try to get out of their bubble and learn something.

Well, this post wouldn't be about shitting on people. Lemme highlight one of the skills I have been nurturing and utilizing in recent years;

I've developed the ability and capability to craft my words carefully.


I've had the opportunity of working in the teaching industry where I had a wide category of students. I taught kids who were still learning the basics of Maths and Verbal Reasoning. I ran a tutorial institute that was filled with young teenagers who were aspiring to get into University. I also taught in an adult school where men and women who were already in their prime came to gain academic education.

That line of work played a big part in making me a wordsmith who knows how to craft my words carefully and with the intent of teaching people what I already know. Along the line, I got to work in the marketing unit of a Commercial bank in Nigeria. I did the work for a year and the A - Z of the job was mainly about knowing the products banks offer and being articulate enough to sell that product to potential or already existing customers.

In doing all these, I was able to nurture my choice of words and use of words so well to the point that a lot of the things I do now are related to the words I write or the ones I speak.

I do a fair bit of writing each day and the ones people get to read here are just a fraction of the overall things I write each day. I also speak at relevant events. I get into customer support and community management. Stuff like that.

Are these monetizable? Yeah!

What usually works for me is that I make sure I know a lot about what I'm talking about. If I end up in a conversation where I have little information about what is going on, I listen carefully and I ask questions. It's that simple. You also need to do a lot of reading and writing to be able to marshal your thoughts to make yourself articulate.

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