To the ones that made 2023 remarkable...

in # lifestyle •  last year • 3 min read


2023 was very very interesting and I say "interesting" because I'm too uninterested in digging for a better word. So, I will just call that an interesting year, and what made it interesting was the series of experiences I had to go through while dealing with people.

Man, if you haven't noticed it, people can be so dramatic when they want to piss you off. They know how to dig around and poke to see what on earth we can do to make him break. Well, I got that a lot in 2023 and I'm still standing tall. I also had some up-and-down moments in the withal I set for myself in 2023.

I came face to face with some frustrating events and to be honest with y'all, if I had an opportunity to not pass through those, I would have grabbed that opportunity in a heartbeat. Yeah! I learned a lot from the rough experiences and I'm grateful for those lessons, but the tough side of the adventure wasn't an easy nut to crack.

In all these, I'm glad I have amazing people around me who were instrumental in making 2023 endurable until it got to a point where all hard experiences transitioned to Wins that are worth celebrating.

Take this as an appreciation post for those amazing people.

For obvious reasons, my first appreciation goes to the entire members of DreemPort. I've been with this Community since when it was just an idea waiting to be executed and I've been in every step that has been taken towards building the community to where it's currently standing.

When I say things about this Community and the amazing people in it, I say it because I've had first-hand experience of it and they have been a big part of my growth in 2023. For the record, my being on Hive is only because I was told about it by the folks in UU (Now, DreemPort) and they have been very supportive of everything I get into.

In the community, we have the founder, the Teem, Screeners, Guild, and Ambassadors and we also have our community members who show up every week to be part of the activities on our website. I didn't want to mention any names. Instead, this is a shout-out to all Dreemers! Y'all are amazing and I'm looking forward to another Dreemie Adventure with you in this New Year.

I will also give a big shout-out to my IRL family on the Blockchain. I have a lot of them in here and I'm always excited with the level of work they are putting into growing their reputation on the Blockchain. nkemakonam89 has been the most active one of all of us and she has become a Whale. Haha. Don't you dare take a peep at her wallet? Lol.

Nkem is an inspiration for me and her learning curve has been upward since the first day she stepped into Hive. Whenever I see her do what she enjoys on the Blockchain and thrive while doing that, it makes me happy and it whets my appetite to improve my performance. She's an adorable lady.

2023 was a mixture of everything, but the support I, directly and indirectly, got from people made the year an interesting one. Yeah, interesting.

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