When the plans goes to shit... Stay Hard!

in # lifestyle •  last year • 4 min read

I've had enough time to iron out the things I plan to achieve in life and the final quarter of 2023 was when it genuinely felt like I was beginning to get into the grind and make purpose-driven sacrifices toward putting myself in positions where I can take steps towards hitting my goals.

My goal sometimes feels like it's a very long journey on a path that's filled with potholes, dirt, and obstacles. The ending is unknown and if I'm being honest, there are some uncertainties attached to the goals I've set for myself. The distance is also unknown in a broad sense. It may take the whole of my lifetime to achieve this. Now, that's an adventure of life that's filled with uncertainties.

What I do is to get into activities that I needs to be done daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Doing these and doing them well takes me closer to smashing my goals.

Do you know how it feels to face a hiccup when you are making purpose-driven sacrifices toward achieving your goals?

It hurts. It's brutal and it sucks.

I've worked on stuff for a whole day and still didn't hit the goal for the day. I've also experienced failure or unfavorable outcomes even when I used a whole year to prepare for something. 2018 is a year that's filled with disappointment for me and I won't be forgetting that year anytime soon. Everything I worked for in that year came crashing at the same time and I remember laughing so hard at the whole situation.


Laughter was all I could do on the surface, but my inside was broken into several pieces.

The emotions you feel when you are at that point in life are always crazy. It sucks to feel that and it almost feels like nothing could prepare you for that. In everything I do, I give it my best and even when it seems like this is going to be achieved without much hassle, I still prepare my mind by asking the "What If?" questions.

  • What if things fail to go as planned?

  • What if all this plan goes to shit?

As far as I'm concerned, when I ask these questions, it's never because I have doubts about what I'm working on. It also doesn't mean I will sit back and be nonchalant about my Plan A. Nope! I'm just being real because I've seen reality smack people hard when they didn't expect it and I wouldn't want to be the guy that will give up on something just because I wasn't prepared for unfavorable outcomes.

See, when I'm halfway through this year and I discover that my plans are not working as it should be, I would never drop my head in shame. That's the exact time my mind will take over the whole adventure. I wouldn't "hope" for things to change or for someone to motivate me. Nah! I don't live off hope. Instead, I will give myself a big push to face the plans that are falling apart and do what's necessary to get things back on track.

I can readjust the plan. I can spend a longer time doing what needs to be done. I can even decide to change the entire plan. I wouldn't be too sure until things start unfolding, but what I'm sure of is that I will never let the year just come and go.

When my plans fail or when it looks like my efforts are not making any difference, I will stay hard. There is no giving up.

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