School's Out according to Alice Cooper

in # music •  3 years ago • 2 min read

1972 - Alice Cooper
Alice Cooper was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'School's Out'. The bands only UK No.1, which was also a No.7 hit on the US chart. Cooper has said he was inspired to write the song when answering the question, "What's the greatest three minutes of your life?". Cooper said: "There's two times during the year. One is Christmas morning, the next one is the last three minutes of the last day of school."


The original

There's a quote that I fully agree with. The last three minutes of school are the hardest to sit through. Actually the whole last few days were excruciating. Finishing off that last exam you were free.

In the years before exams were a thing the last week was always the best. The teachers were done teaching and were waiting out the clock much like us kids. Lots of movies and "self-study" which essentially meant socializing with everybody in the class.

1990's Alice rendition

A whole summer was ahead of you with endless possibilities. The summer seemed to last forever in these years and flew by so quickly. Even with summer school once in awhile you get a double dose of school's out.

Once out of high school these days were similar but never the same. Usually you needed to do something constructive like getting a summer job but not for all. You would then feel this feeling less over time but it's still there.

Luckily you can put on this classic rock song that will bring you right back. There isn't a summer that passes that I don't hear Alice Cooper belting out this classic.

2017 and still going strong!

School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces

No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks, yeah


Who hasn't thought about the school being blown to pieces at some point? I think everyone does at some point. No more homework, alright!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good post!👍

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