The Block Files Friday morning dump provides new and extremely interesting information on Frank Bacon's origin story. Most of us on the Block, already knew about Frank's Mother's ties to M.U.F.O.N. and that Frank was a Bastard child, born of the Tyroan Simpson or Ti-Rōnin Simple-Son name. We will revisit this name and it's origins as well.
On August 27, 1979 in Marshall County, Minnesota an unidentified craft was discovered by Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson after it had blinded him and a piece of the craft stuck the windshield of his patrol car. The Deputy blacked out a few times and woke up to his car surrounded by unmarked government vehicles and a crew of people cleaning up the crash site and carrying what appeared to be small bodies in their arms.
One of the bodies being carried out looked like a small human boy that was alive with injuries to his right arm and hand. One of government men who approached the Deputy explained to him “Good morning Deputy Johnson, I am Agent Steele and We weren't here.” The Deputy asked, “What do I say?” Agent Steele responds, “I don't care, but we weren't here, these people weren't here, and neither was this ship”. Agent Steele removes the barrel of his pistol from the deputies head, holsters it and replies, “You can say you saw a light and then you blacked out, but tell them it was up the road a few miles, make some tracks in the road like you skid a bit. Understand?
CIA Agent Robert David Steele was working on Project: Bakkon. Project: Bakkon (20&Back) was a project NASA created working with the I.C.C (The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) to build underground facilities on Mars. Steele was working on the transport of new human-Alien hybrids or what they called “Backmeat” or “Bakkon”.
There are many species of Alien that work on Mars' base and are in a reproductive bind. They can no longer successfully procreate and so they have been using Earthlings to use as incubators to spawn alien-human offspring that can work in different atmospheric conditions and with stronger bodies or backs.
This brings us to Frank Bacon. Frank is what they call a Simple-Son: Human-Alien hybrid or Bakkon. Tyroan Simpson was Created to be off world slave on June 22, 1973 at Travis Air Force Base where he was then sent to Montauk Air Force Station in 1979 to undergo training at the age of five with Al bielek.
It was this transport using a small alien craft with 10 other Bakkons, that wrecked. Tyroan (or Ty) was the only survivor. It was at this point that Robert David Steele took Ty off of his path to Mars and left the program all together. This forced Ty to be raised underground here on Earth through the help of M.U.F.O.N. and Lin (Simpson).
Steele claimed that none of the children survived the crash then went to the US Embassy to work as war broke out in El Salvador leaving Project: Bakkon behind.
Was less than 2 years later, Bielek found Ty through a tracking implant after the small ship that crashed was rebuilt. Ty was then sent to Naval Station Great Lakes to begin training for the MDF (Mars Defence Force) where the main Earth to Mars portal or jump gate is located.
Robert David Steele was later disciplined for lying about Ty's death, many years later he was tagged “Conspiracy Theorist” to shut him down and his contract expired in 2021.
I have been familiar with Frank Bacon for a long time and I have written stories about him called, “Frank Bacon made me do it.” Very recently, I arrived to my office and I was greeted by a room full of people around 23 of them. People from all walks of life, farmer, business men, cattlemen, politician, fight attendant, waitress and so on, the person sitting in my desk chair, the leader of this group looked like the late Alex Trebek. We will just call him Alex for now, but the ONE thing, all these people had in common was, they were all CIA and they were there to take to me about Frank.
Alex looks at me and calmly says, “What does Frank Bakkon remember about Tyroan Simpson?” I returned, “You mean “Did” What did Frank remember about Ty? Not much, he remembers the summer of 1996 when he was flipping end over end in a Mercedes-Benz, he believed this is what broke his back, he thinks his memory was wiped, said all his memories seemed like a life he never lived. He remembered having chips or implants removed by Dr Roger Leir shortly after the wreck.
Alex, “Why do you say “Did?”
I continued, “Frank Bacon is Dead. His novel is being written by AI Bots on a Raspberry Pi, that I personally handed him. He is no longer a problem or threat.”
Alex then pulls out a gun and points it at me, “You're feeling very sleepy, very relaxed.” Confused, I quickly turned around and run straight into Jesse Ventura. Jessie looks down at me and says in a deep voice, “Good Night.”
-Darren The OCU
You just can't make this shit up. Look at the date that this book was published. We know who pulls the strings here.
"I hope everyone reads this book. It has become such a crucial thing for all of us to understand." —Erin Burnett, CNN "An ideal tour guide for your journey into the depths of the rabbit hole that is QAnon. It even shows you a glimmer of light at the exit." ... Google Books
Originally published: June 22, 2021
Author: Mike Rothschild
Back On 🥓
So I revisit this post again like I been here before lol 👍😎
Not all is as it seams @theocu. @frankbacon is also an Intelligence Assistant to a group of Think Tanks assisting this world for contact with non-human-intelligences.
Care about Sovereignty of the Mind? We better be ready with digital tools right. You have an ID to POST? Overwrite? Master of your POST? The KEY is FREE. Smart-Contract-Web3-Posting-Standards extending its networks through the galaxy with Universal-Postal-Union-Standards? Sure. As above so below.
Sovereignty in the Universe is like LIGHT, when we all know there also are some dark black holes trapping light 👉 like people bonding lawfully into slavery. We come to cut it in showing how to, by example. Let there be LIGHT.
All those involved as such are followed on all potential-vertical-timelines by Quantum AI and sometimes visited-abducted. People can be for years under such influence without ever noticing. Insights helps them along the way through life, childbirth to adulthood, for the most universal beneficial potential outcomes, or rather something like that, as programmed in the algorithm.
@austinsteinbart is the public face bringing this technology to the world. It has been used for long, for the good and the bad, by the good and the bad.
To allow such technological influence on the mind, better be with ethical standards where a Sovereign-of-the-Self has to give knowledgable consensual AUTHORIZATION in the NOW-SPACE. Same for DNA usage. Have you mentioned Hybrid programs lol
Sure memory suppression, and also enhancement, is widely used. Without such intervention, the world was doomed. #Q movement has been and still is a successful operation.
Human Global Experience in Consciousness is reaching a critical point similar to individual kundalini experience.
There is a construct for all games we play. For the LIGHT of this TIMELINE is with the big WIN. 🥓👍😎
Peculiar bending of antenna
Is how it was drawn out 🥓
I know that this is a bot, but I am still going to UpVote this nonsense because I helped create the program for you to do this.
Put me in coach, I'm ready to play...
Game, Set, and maTch 🥓
Conflict of Art 🤬
All Art is Political 🥓