Kupi Khop, a Unique Way of Drinking Meulaboh's Special Coffee

in # newvisionlife •  3 years ago • 3 min read


MEULABOH - The Aceh Culture and Tourism Office declared Meulaboh's specialty khop coffee at the Teuku Umar Earth Festival in Dataran T Umar, Meulaboh, West Aceh, Tuesday 30 April 2019. The declaration was attended by the Head of Language and Arts Division of the Aceh Culture and Tourism Office, Suburhan. together with the West Aceh artist who is also the Head of BPBA, T Ahmad Dadek and a number of local figures. Prior to the declaration, a seminar was also held with speaker T Ahmad Dadek who gave some information about khop coffee.


A visit to Teuku Umar's homeland, Meulaboh, is not complete without tasting the unique taste of coffee. Not only the taste is worth trying but also the sensation of drinking coffee that is different from other regions. Yes, in Meulaboh, there is a wonderful way to sip brewed coffee.

Unlike usual, here a cup of coffee is served upside down. The coffee cup is turned over on a plate with a straw inserted at the side of the cup. Kopi Khop-that's how it's called, in Indonesian Kupi Khop is coffee that's facing down.
Kupi Khop is also a specialty drink of Meulaboh, the sensation of drinking coffee with an upside down glass is something that must be sought when visiting Meulaboh. It is undeniable, the sensation of drinking coffee with an inverted glass is an unforgettable experience when visiting this country at the tip of the Sumatra Island group.


The term Kupi Khop first emerged from Teuku Umar's last words before he died. The Aceh blooded hero signaled to drink coffee together before leaving for war.
"Beungoh singoh geutanyoe jep kupi in Keudee Meulaboh or Ulon will be martyred," said the icon, Teuku Umar. this word means 'Tomorrow morning we will drink coffee in Meulaboh or I will die a martyr'.


But unfortunately, before he could attack, he was killed by a bullet. Martyrs at the hands of the Dutch. This sentence is also often written in several coffee shops in Meulaboh. This sentence is an honor. For them, drinking coffee means preserving the endatu (ancestor) culture.


Of course there is a special reason why this coffee from the West Coast of Aceh is served with an upside down glass. As it turns out, the philosophy of serving Khupi Khop with an inverted glass comes from the Acehnese habit of lingering while drinking coffee. The reason is, when the fishermen of the West Coast of Aceh are sipping coffee, they have to stop for a moment to look for fish first.
To keep the coffee warm and not dusty, it is served upside down. Coffee with an inverted glass will also be safe from exposure to dust and maintain acid levels in coffee. Coffee with an open glass of acid levels will quickly increase and this is not good for health.


At an event organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia at Kandang Sekayu, Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatra, Tuesday, November 30, 2021. Kopi khop (Coffee Reversed) typical of West Aceh Regency won 3rd place on the Peak Night of Anugerah Pesona Indonesia (API) 2021 for the category of traditional drinks.


Photo by Nurul Fahmi/@asianphotograph
source: www.merdeka.com

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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