Peace Blurtians,
I pray that you all are doing well.
Beautiful day here in my city, how about your place?
Your journey on Blurt can be difficult at the beginning but the situation is going to change as the circle of life presents us with up and down.
I am glad to welcome you once again Blurtians members of diverse communities in the dialogue game Wave of comments backed by Blurt blockchain.
The mini contest held Once every THREE days on Blurtconnect-ng is fun and surely will initiate great conversation among members of the communities.
Here are all rules about the Waves of comments:
Day's initial topic of discussion is defined as follows:
"What always cheers you up when you think about it?". It is not a mandatory topic, so your comments can be about random subjects.Contestants should include in their entry a question addresses to the next author and not forget to give an answer to the previous question (Except the first commenter) available before submitting your entry.
Place in the comments section your opinion as a sentence with at least 15 words.
Add a number considered to be the correct addition of your valid entry to your comment, so your current entry is valid.
Patience for at least 2 valid comments from different authors before adding your next comment below the main post.
There is No limit of comments, but the deadline is 3 days after the contest launches. All valid entries will be counted as they appeared below the main post.
A1:My comment is so genuine that I may be upvoted in the course of this contest. Are you interested in the contest? c1.
A2:I am new here but I feel that I get good vibes from the wave contest. Blurt has helped me find the love of my life here in the local town of AYWES. Have you got friends since you joined Blurt? c1
A3:I met on Blurt many friends, especially in ICT. The coming holidays could be exceptionally disturbed with all the flight cancellations and passengers not allowed to travel due to the ban. Do you plan to travel during the coming days?c1
A1:Yes, sure. I will go visit my grandmother whether it rains or snows. I will find my way to visit relatives even though restrictions are still in action. Do the curfew and lockdown operational in your city? c2
A4: at least 15 words...? c1
A2: at least 15 words...? c2
A1: at least 15 words...? c3
A3: at least 15 words...? c2
Selection of the Winners and Prizes
Moderator will intervene to resolve comment counting issues. You should edit your entry within the contest duration if you have done something wrong. We can help each other to keep the count in order. Thanks
Six authors will be selected according to the number of valid entries. Winners are ranked based on the total value from the highest to the lowest numbers obtained at the deadline.
Six winners will obtain respectively 12; 10; 08; 06; 04 and 02 Blurts from @blurtconnect-ng to their accounts.
it is not finished...
Authors' engagement in the dialogue room will be rewarded with upvotes on their comments.
In case of equal points between two or more authors, the winner will be the first to enter a valid comment under the main post.
Blurtians' comments are greatly appreciated as the contest's rewards in the coming edition will increase as the interest for interaction among the members keeps growing.
Winners of the previous edition
Blurtconnect-ng team members were really pleased to read all your comments in the last edition of the wave of comments contest. Your continual participation motivates us all in the community.
The winners were determined according to the time of comment submission.
Five authors gave us the honor to constantly interact in the 66th edition of our contest. Three Blurtians have been considered for the prizes. Among the winners, there was one group with similar number of entries "C1". The prizes went first to the valid comments posted as early as the main article. Also, comments get one full point when containing an answer then a question.
First position 16 Blurts, Lebey1 C2 No invalid entry, Total 2 points
Second position 14 Blurts, Oneray C1 No invalid entries, Total 1 points
Third position 12 Blurts, Nwakudo-miracle C1 No invalid entry, Total 1 points
Fourth position 0 Blurts, No winner
Fifth position 0 Blurts, No winner
Sixth position 0 Blurts, No winner
Blurtconnect-ng team along with the community members appreciate all the support wave of comments has received from large stakeholders on Blurt. We wish to further notify more lovers of Blurt engagement @megadrive, @tekraze, @imransoudagar, @leifasaur, etc to please kindly participate in this weekly unique pub. We have tripled our winning prize pool. Please do let us know if you do not wish to be mentioned.
I would like to invite participants from the previous editions to join us in the wave comments contest. First-time authors are most welcome.
@ekads, @tariqueshafique, @sonea-nakamaru, @nwakudo-miracle, @ammyy, @cahyabali,
@lebey1, @mahmud552, @vectorshore, @meitanteikudo, @firdaus1998, @churchman, @jakaria121, @kusumajaya, @ultravioletmag, @oscodagold, @lesliemee11, @kgbinternational, @anyiglobal, @g10a, @mariela53, @wrsd1966, @bike20, @aamirgill, @jerrykingz, @nazirhussain, @oscodagold, @arinzegod12, @joelmaxwell, @meltzme, @samuel2080, @princefm, @foryoubtc, @jijisaur, @merit.ahama, @sadique1, @edaton, @wealthymary, @oneray and @drakernoise
Please mention in the comment section If you don't want to receive a notification in the future.
We are three friends from Nigeria and the Republic of Benin, all in Africa with the mission of recruiting and retaining 1,000,000 Blurtians in the nearest future.
Chibuzor Wisdom - Founder @chibuzorwisdom
Adissin Olivier - Team member @oadissin
Ogoke Nkechinyere - Team member @beckie96830
Here are the links to our account on other social media platforms
Join BlurtConnect Facebook page Here
Join Blurtconnect Telegram Here
Follow BlurtConnect Twitter Here
Follow BlurtConnect Instagram page Here
Join BlurtConnect whatsapp Here
- View blurtconnect introduction post
- You can support us by delegating blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
I would like to thank all the participants in this edition of the wave of comments.
The winners were determined according to the time of comment submission.
Six authors gave us the honor to constantly interact in the 67th edition of our contest. Four Blurtians have been considered for the prizes. Among the winners, there was no group with similar number of entries. The prizes went first to the valid comments posted as early as the main article. Also, comments get one full point when containing an answer then a question.
Thank you
Please join us in the newest edition 68th of our contest.
Jcchelme got 1 point
Good morning everyone. I hope you all slept well. Today's being sunday, i have few task that i will doing but it starts with me being in church in the next 40 minutes.
What's your plan for today?
I hope you had a great week.
The dialogue section had an increasing interaction in this edition.
I have played the guess word game organized by Binance
WOLD in Binance
It is fun to guess the day world.
We will announce the contest winners in the evening.
Good night from this side of the planet. I am very glad that the new users who comment on this initiative are also tagging other people. This means that the idea works very well even though we are just starting out :)
Can anyone else come up with ideas to grow engagement in this and future posts? c6
Morning guys.. I hope you all had a sound night rest. I habe been on twitter for over an hour now and the news eminating from my country is bad. Who has any goof news to cheer me up?
I guess if I think about it carefully the only thing that would lift my spirits right now is having 10 BTC in my wallet or its conversion to BLURT 🤣.
I wonder if others will be as lost as I am on this initiative? Let's see what @oswaldotorres thinks about it 🤷🏻 C1.
I would like to receive a gift of 0.5 BTC
Realmente, no estás tan perdida, jaja. Lo hiciste bien
Menos mal jajaja
Good day everyone. How are you all doing? What's happening in the crypto market? Do we still have hope of any significant increase in price in a distant time? I would like to know, please, because I am running out of patience. C3
I am very happy to see my friends participate in this edition; Little by little we will create the necessary interaction to flood the platform and social networks promoting the best way to communicate.
Thanks to everyone who joined and I thank those who are missing, because, without a doubt, this continues. What do you think about this? c5
Good morning everyone. I can see that the engagement has increased a bit, and I am pretty proud of what we have achieved so far. I believe more authors will join in the edition. By the way, who is ready for the weekend?
I'm always ready for the weekend or the beginning, haha. Be that as it may, the moment to share in Blurt is the ideal
I still believe that the users we named in our comments will sooner or later participate in this initiative. It is well known that many users do not read the articles they vote for, much less leave a comment.
So we need to do more promotion and spread the word as much as possible to create the culture that comment is the best way to get to know an author, and thus this allows that author to check out the blog of the person that is commenting.
What do all of you think about it? I would like know the opinion from @chichi18 c4
I am guilty of this sometimes my friend @oneray. Especially when laziness knocks on my door. Hehe! But yeah, It would be awesome if people do read and leave comments too.
Would you agree @Cindee08?
Good evening everyone! How are you guys doing? Hope you're doing great? This evening is nice and the breeze is cool. Meanwhile, who need person for any tech related work or article writing work I am here for you because I need money! Tell me which kind of work you want me to do for you and you will get it done! C2
I usually get more votes on my posts than comments; Receiving a large number of votes encourages me to continue creating content, and sometimes I have wondered what it would feel like to have a publication with more than 1000 Blurt, something that I have not yet achieved during my stay on this platform. However, I also like to receive feedback that produces an interaction and adds value to the content and the platform. If you have already had the experience of having your item with more than 1000 reward blurt, what did you feel when you saw that amount for the first time? c3
I have never had a reward on my content above 150 blurt. The most common is 50 blurt.
Hello guys, seems this episode will be eventful than the previous ones we have had this past few days. We have over seven comments as of this period . lets see if we could attain 30 comments in this edition.
Who else thinks this episode will be action packed?
It will be full of action when we ourselves begin to interact and mention other users to come comment, but not before explaining to them the correct way to participate here. That's why I ask... What @emiliorios would think when reading and participating in this initiative?
Ay caramba @oneray I'm already here; I'm relieved from my work and I'm preparing something to publish.
The truth is that I don't really understand this initiative but I would like to know if @jcchelme and @pedrobrito2004 are participating in these comments.
Pues no estoy enterado de la dinámica, me tocará ver de que se trata y ya veremos :)
Bueno, al menos prece interesante porque se nutre de comentarios constantes la publicación. ¿Será que te unes un poquito y nos dejas más comentarios? C1
Nota: Espero estarlo haciendo bien y no sé si será por aquí.
Excelente participación, jajaja, trayendo a dos personas que vengan a comentar.
Lo haré en español para que nos entendamos:
El asunto es que esta publicación tiene una pregunta y debemos responderla a través de un comentario y dejando otra pregunta a los usuarios que llegarán después en nuestro propio comentario. Cuando haces un comentario respondiendo a la pregunta o hablando de otra cosa, debes dejar al final el número de comentario que haces. c1, c2 o c3 si es el tercer comentario que haces en la publicación; Es vital señalar el número del comentario, ya que es una de las reglas y debes escribirlo en inglés. ¿Dudas? marca al 0800oneray, jaja
El asunto es que me confunde eso de los números al final del comentario.
Pero te pregunto: Es aquí donde hacemos los comentarios y los numeramos, o es en otra publicación o en todas? C2
Cada vez que haces un comentario en la publicación respondiendo a la pregunta inicial, lo enumeras
I think you are right about this. Tagging others to join might work. @princessbusayo , come and join us here
This is the right way 🥳
Good Day everyone! Congratulations to the winners of the previous edition. Hope you all are doing great today? Thank God if that's it! C1
It is a pleasure for us to share our best wishes and congratulations. You have been given a virtual hug by the curation account @newvisionlife and manually curation by @OneRay.
Thank you for using our hashtag #newvisionlife
Es un placer para nosotros compartir nuestros mejores deseos y felicitaciones. Usted ha recibido un abrazo virtual de la cuenta de curación @newvisionlife y curado manualmente por @OneRay
Gracias por utilizar nuestra etiqueta #newvisionlife
A big congrats to all winners. I have no idea why people are missing out on this opportunity to rank in more blurt. This contest offers that, and I feel many people are unaware of the contest.
What can be done to increase the visibility of this contest?
From my experience, a large majority want to win without making the slightest effort. At first, I didn't understand the mechanics of this initiative and was corrected a lot, haha, but I was determined to learn and participate. The answer to your question is simple: We are going to rebut this publication in our blogs and in each comment, we mention a user to get here. Do you have any other ideas to promote this initiative? What will my friend @antoniarhuiz think of this? c2
Not always my enthusiasm is at 100%. Sometimes I feel like I'm not on the fastest path and I tend to get discouraged. Despite this, to re-motivate myself to stay focused, I just have to look at my goal as clearly as possible to encourage me to move forward no matter what obstacles I find in my way. What is the goal that encourages you to move forward with your dreams? c1
Wow this is a good contest.
Thank you