The Universe Is A Reflection Of Ourselves

in # newvisionlife •  3 years ago (edited)• 9 min read

Photo by: DavidGMorgan/PIXABAY

Of course, we all feel bored, annoyed, angry, and all the moods are not good. But have we ever noticed that a bad mood also affects everything around us?

When we are sad or angry, for example, often it also affects all our activities during that time. Such as not focusing on doing something, losing passion, having trouble sleeping, even losing appetite. We often feel sensitive and easily offended when interacting with other people.

Believe it or not, when we feel something unpleasant, angry, upset, or hate something, the negative energy that is within us will be scattered and influence everything around us.

When we are angry with someone, we are actually angry and hate ourselves. When we think of conquering others, we are trying to conquer ourselves. Because whatever we see and feel in others is a complete reflection of ourselves. The outside world is a reflection of our inner world. If we see the reality of this world as unhappy, full of disappointment, and chaos, then it is a direct effect of what is happening inside us.

If we have bad thoughts about ourselves, our hearts and minds are always filled with anger and hatred, then every time the world will feel like hell. The world around us is like a mirror, where we always and only see ourselves. When we fight against others, want to be greater than our friends or relatives, against the injustices of our leaders, etc., we are actually fighting against ourselves. Will we be able to win against the mirror?

Of course, I can. We can learn a lot about ourselves every time we see something in someone else that annoys us. Using other people as mirrors will help you discover parts of yourself and complete them. We must be aware that the shortcomings that exist in other people, most likely also exist in us. People who can change their way of thinking and their inner world will be able to live in a new way. They will see the world differently.

Many aspects of our life can be explained by scientific laws such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, and Astronomy. In this case, we can consider the Law of Resonance.

Everything in the universe moves and vibrates, even the densest steel is made of atoms with protons, electrons, and neutrons vibrating at a certain frequency. If we take a loudspeaker and place it near a bowl of water, the water will vibrate according to the sound waves we emit.

Attracting People With the Same Wave

According to an article published by, it is stated that we can only perceive those aspects of reality that have the same resonant capacity as ours. The article exemplifies how when a tuning fork emits its frequency, several ear cells begin to vibrate at the same frequency and send impulses to the brain that recognizes it, as well as other "audible" frequencies. This is not the case with sounds having frequencies below or above our auditory resonance levels (infrasound and ultrasound).

The same is true with sight, touch, taste, and smell, and this applies not only to the realm of pure sense perception but to the whole perception of reality. For example, if a person reads a book, to understand it in depth, he can only acknowledge what is in harmony with his current state of consciousness and experience. When we re-read certain books after years, as our consciousness grows, we catch details we couldn't see before and understand them "even better". In general, we can say that we tend to recognize ideas in "harmony" with our minds.

We also attract people with the same wavelength. Like a pendulum, we are in tune with people who have the same thoughts, feelings, or physical characteristics as we desire. We attract our similar. That's why if we are surrounded by mediocre people or great people, it also depends on who we are. Often we mistakenly think that we can improve our lives by changing partners, friends, colleagues, and so on, but that has absolutely nothing to do with it. If we don't change the way we live, we will find ourselves in the same situation.

This is because, with our existence, we will attract events in resonance. If our main focus is on the abundance of solutions, and positive outcomes, then we will attract them back into our lives. Vice versa, if our lives are only filled with complaints and always think badly about everything, then it will also come back to us. What we sow, we will reap.

Below is a video showing how objects with elements of the same length will be affected by the resonance of objects next to them. Source: Youtube Channel The Physics Classroom

Our Desire Finds Its Purpose

Pierre Franckh in his book "The DNA Field and the Law of Resonance Creating Reality through Conscious Thought" reveals that through the law of resonance we understand how everything in the universe communicates with each other through vibrations. All objects and living things in the known world, including all organs and cells of our body, have unique oscillations. Some oscillate with the same or similar frequency.

Everything that resonates with us is inevitably drawn into our lives, even if it's not always positive for us. For example, the resonance can be so strong that it destroys matter. An opera singer can, through his smooth voice, break the glass. He leads the energy through the room towards the glass. When the transferred energy has the same resonance and natural frequency as the molecular structure of the glass, the stress on the glass can become so great that the glass shatters.

Even though we don't "explode" like glass, the "negative" resonant energy we carry within us can bring parts of us into motion we don't want or bring uncomfortable, even shocking, events into our lives.

That's why we need to know exactly at which unique frequencies we find ourselves and which resonant fields we create consciously or unconsciously.

How do our desires find their destination and get to where they need to be? How do our desires come back to us? How do the recipients of our desires know how to find us? Which part of our body receives information and then executes our conscience? How can we integrate this new awareness into our daily lives?

Franckh further explained that our DNA plays a big role in the answers to the questions above, which acts as a carrier of our genetic code. Where almost 90 percent of DNA is needed for communication use. Russian scientists Vladimir Poponin and Peter Gariaev proved this: DNA does more than previously thought.

Poponin and Gariaev show that DNA is truly destined to work as both a sender and a receiver. Our DNA not only communicates with us, but it also communicates with the DNA of other people. Our DNA is in a position to connect with everything that exists. Communication between our DNA and the DNA of other people or other living things is accomplished in a very different way than we previously thought. It occurs in a higher dimension beyond space and time, the hyperspace dimension.

The amazing thing about this particular exchange of information is that it happens without any restrictions. Neither distance nor time is a problem for the smooth exchange of information. Not even a hint of time delay. Any delay can only be measured with an atomic clock.

DNA uses special energy channels, or wormholes, in this hyperspace. Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen were the first to describe these objects, since 1935. The concept is identified as two sides of the same space connected by a tunnel. This energy is not only received by DNA but also stored. Therefore, DNA also functions as an information recorder. We have a huge database of data in our bodies.

Photo by: Johnhain/PIXABAY

Stronger Love Resonance

In another article, as published by Lily Rose, it is stated that the Law of Resonance is the basis of the Law of Attraction. What we put out, and we take with us that will resonate with us. Just like making friends, if we like coffee, we will resonate with people who like coffee. If we hate meat, then we will be friends with vegans.

The Law of Resonance states that the rate of the projected vibration, will be in harmony with what we put out and drawback energy with the same resonance. This is where the Law of Attraction comes into play. How we allow ourselves to feel, and how we talk to ourselves, will become our physical reality. This includes the music we listen to, the television we watch, and the people around us.

It is important to note that the resonance of love is much stronger than the resonance of hatred/fear based on the magnitude of the frequency that is emitted. Love is the connecting energy, while fear is the dividing energy. These emotions create our vibrational frequencies which are amplified through electromagnetic fields.

Love can amplify all energies that come into contact with it. By speaking and acting in love, we are teaching our resonance to bring love and kindness back into our lives. Because love is stronger than fear, it will always attract stronger, better, and faster than hate.

When two objects or people get together, they will both give off their resonance. The body with the stronger resonance will always bring the body with the weaker resonance to match the vibration. So when we act in love and express love, we will teach and awaken those around us to fall in love.

Thank you for visiting and reading this post.

Power of love


Simon & Schuster, The DNA Field and the Law of Resonance: Creating Reality through Conscious Thought
Lily Rose Jewelry Co., The Law of Resonance

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is beautiful @djunmul.
Every statement and sentence is meaningful.
Thanks for sharing and I can attest to this law of resonance and the law of attraction as far as I have observed in my life. I can truly say the vibration of love far far outweighs hate.

Thanks so much for sharing this piece. I hope all blurtans read this and make meaning out of it.


Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I am glad if this article can be useful for others.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I should thank you @djunmul for reminding me of this valuable information. Cheers!