My experience in camp || Episode 001

in # newvisionlife •  10 months ago • 3 min read

My experience in camp || Episode 001
I left home on the 17th of April, 2024, with mixed feelings, but also excited about what I've been waiting for, serving my nation. It was 6:00am when I got to the park, and after sorting out with the Park's union, I boarded a bus to Kano state. On our way to Kano state, I sat down quiet, feeling like someone who's gonna be sold out in another land. Leaving my comfort zone to another state, a state I've never visited before wasn't that easy for me. I made couple of friends in the bus, while on our way.
When we got to Kano state, it was 4:30pm already. This town is actually big and beautiful. I loved what I was seeing and felt like staying there the whole day. Collected my luggages from the bus, entered a tricycle to the famous park named "Rigiyan zaki" in Kano state. This was the park I'll get a taxi going to the NYSC camp in Kano state. While in the tricycle, I was busy feeding my eyes with the beautiful buildings and structures in Kano city. I was really happy that everything I saw there surpassed my expectations. When we got to the park, paid for a taxi going to Karaye local government area, where the camp is being located.
I was really tired 'cause this time it was around 6pm and i needed lots of sleep. I'm in a new town, so at that moment, sleeping was my last option.

Before we started our journey to the camp, I met three other people going to the camp, one of them was Chris. Chris later became my roommate and first friend in camp. He's actually a nice guy and we spent most if our journey time discussing about how life's going to be in the camp.
Chilling with Chris
When we got to the camp, we were searched at the gate and given a warm welcome. we went straight to the hostel to secure a bed space. Luckily for us, we had the down bunk we all wanted to. We arranged our things and moved out to take a stroll. Decided to visit the mammy market, where we had our dinner that evening.
The first day was hectic, but not like the remaining days.
Thanks for reading 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Next up!!! Day 02 in camp. stay tuned!!!


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