Quatre Pièces contemplatives - Denis Bédard

in # organmusic •  2 months ago • 1 min read

Denis Bédard, born in Quebec City in 1950, is an organist, composer, and teacher with over 170 works performed worldwide. A graduate of the Conservatoire de musique de Québec, he earned prestigious awards like the Prix d’Europe and served as organist at Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver (2001–2021). Quatre Pièces contemplatives (Four Contemplative Pieces) was composed between 2022-2023 and offers the performer with some quiet pieces for use in church services and recitals. I recorded this using Hauptwerk VII with the Billerbeck sample set by Sonus Paradisi.

Score: https://cheldar.ca/product/quatre-pieces-contemplatives/

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