Text edited, read the paragraph at the very bottom.
Today another proposal has emerged, but it is very interesting. Well, it concerns Blurt.one, which is an alternative interface to Blurt Blog. Of course, in addition the Blurt.one team has its own RPC node and a couple of tools.
However, the point is not to promote someone, but to consider - where are the Blurt Foundation's funds realistically going? This is another person who, as you can see, does not get development funding and has to cover his commitments from his own pocket.
It's not a couple of developers who have been 'cursed' by the Blurt Foundation. More and more developers are looking for funds to survive and these are developers who should be getting funds from the Blurt Foundation directly and it looks like they are not.
Therefore, the question has to be asked - why the hell do we need the Blurt Foundation, which does not sponsor anything and all it does is make money from the Fake Stake. Even the statutory objectives are not being met. Let me remind you that tekraze is not a regular person, but one of the main developers of the Blurt blockchain and is also affiliated with Serey. If the Blurt Foundation cannot sustain him financially and has to ask for money from the DAO then why the hell do we need the Blurt Foundation with Megadrive and its "Fake stake"?
I guess it's just so he can have as much money as possible because I know of no other explanation.
Something feels like a bit more and tekraze will leave us and take up development of Serey or another platform and then what?
It seems to me that this is the last moment to think about what is next for Blurt. Because I can't imagine in the long term that the developers won't get funding and Megadrive will make even more money from it.
I'd love to hear what you guys think. Maybe we should work on a new version of Blurt where there will be no Fake Stake?
I want to emphasise that tekraze has obviously done a lot of real good for the Blurt community in the past. I hope he will return to develop the project. I will be cheering him on.
Well this was unexpected.
You create proposal, get funded no issue.
Khrom create two proposals, get funded no issue.
Nalexdre create proposal and get funded no issue.
When I create proposal all issues and your cry started.
At this point I don't feel like arguing with you. Please continue with whatever information you spread.
I don't need to justify what I do or not because everything is on chain with updates on what I do.
Also for Gitlab contribution you will not find there anything as that are official repos. I am not working with team, so can't work on those repos.
I have my own code, my own docker images and other code. I was already doing things before even the proposal and I don't feel like justifying to anyone specially you.
In any way, I am not affiliated with team and only working with personal capacity. And this is how everyone does, by creating a proposal and funded.
So i don't care if you are happy or sad, it is what it is.
Also for Serey, Yes I worked with them for some time, but stopped long back.
I am still there as a blogger, witness as on other platforms as well. I am not capable to support all with development, so I am doing whatever I can instead of that.
And by saying, this you are trying to control me by forcing community to go against me.
This is actually bad, but I will not say anything.
Enjoy and good luck with your plans.
If you are working privately on projects, doing it with your own money then ok.
If you did something with other people's money (i.e. from the Foundation / DAO) then it is worthwhile and even necessary to control and evaluate it. This is the standard of probably all civilised countries and I doubt it would be different in India. Especially when Blurt is doing poorly.
I was not aware that you had left Blurt Core, so your proposal is at least partly - justified. Partly, because you get resources for witnesses, so I don't know if you should get resources a second time from the proposal.
Ohhh, and if you are a witness, and you are in the top 20, why are you receiving funding from a proposal that you happened to be approved for in a comment below?
I think it's normal to criticize everyone. If you don't like my designs, go ahead.
Having a witness node allows you to pay for the server and minor expenses.
However, the proposal assumes much more projects. I don't know if they will. You probably don't remember, but on steem, together with a friend, we probably made the first game that attracted over 1000 people. We also plan to make an MMORPG for blurt. If you think nothing will come of it and it's a waste of time, you should write about it. Of course, other projects are also being created, BlurtSQL is synchronizing, and the next generation of Crossposter will be finished soon and we will see if time and money have been wasted.
You are shooting yourself in the foot by making the claim against tekraze. By saying that because he is a witness he should not have a proposal. Surprise you are a witness and he has a proposal. What is the play called the double standard?
I don't think you have understood that I am not criticising anything you have done, nor your design, nor your coding, I am reaffirming your own words.
Now if I must make some particular mention of all that you have just mentioned,
I hope it's not just stealing code from other programmers, and passing it off as your own, or claiming that you have implemented it yourself, without giving credit, as you have done previously here on Blurt.
I did not write that as a witness he should not have a proposal, but he should not have a proposal to be a witness.
The money from the proposal should go to projects other than witnessing.
Witnessing (network security, servers, etc.) is paid well enough not to subsidise the business.
The proposal is for development and upkeep of Blurt.one. He isn't asking funds to be a witness but to run a while lot of things.
Any honest person would have edited this post and clarified. I expect you to apologise to Tekraze for spreading misinformation about him and his project.
I would be happy to see and support if he actually wants to develop blurt.one.
@Fervi: You said " Partly, because you get resources for witnesses, so I don't know if you should get resources a second time from the proposal."
This made me laugh. Buddy you are one of the top 20 witnesses and you get the same amount of witness rewards as Tekraze. How come it's okay for you to get funded from DAO and not okay for Tekraze to get it.
@fervi might think that I have hacked blurt somehow and getting rich. But his statement Blurt doing poor only comes when I am asking for funding.
How sarcastic, that I who have been doing development for a long time, maintenance tasks, support, and as well supported, latam, live frontends, and now being questioned.
But by whom, the one who himself has created a proposal and earning, and that too the case that, blurt does not get affected with him getting.
This is more of a centralized approach by top witness asking other witness to justify.
@fervi even the latam code you are running on frontend was fixed and maintained by me. Adding some changes, does not mean you only have contributed everything.
That's right, BlurtLatam used to be developed by you. If you had continued to develop this project then I wouldn't have to.
I cannot ban you from anything. If you think you want a proposal, you have one. On the other hand, I hope, by analogy, that you will not take funds from the Blurt Foundation in the future for the same purpose.
Of course. Anyone who accepts funds should answer questions. That's the norm and that's the idea behind DAO. Users hire people to develop the project and they pay for it. And that should apply to everyone, including me.
There is a misinterpretation here,
Blurtlatam was strongly supported by Tekraze, but it was not owned by them, it did not manage the servers or the rpc. While it is true I am grateful for what we built at some point. Maintaining this portal with own resources became unsustainable. So it wasn't up to tekraze whether it would stay up or not.
Additionally there was always a paranoia of a guy here, that every time the server had a bug, he wrote some interesting conspiracy posts that had nothing to do with the case.
If you want more information about it, in my blog you can find information about why I didn't continue with the development of this frontend.
Only If you hadnt made the original team to go away with your behaviour.
You are not the authority to ask any question or even make false accusations. I can also ask the same to you.
And this is not a company where any user hires, its the people who their own want to support the project. But it does not mean one should work out of his own pocket.
Would you dare to do same ?
For a long time I worked for free for Blurt. Even despite accusations of account theft, which I was able to do with BlurtLatam, BlurtCreator and other projects.
On the other hand, you misunderstand the idea of a DAO. A DAO works like an organisation and that is the premise. It strives to be as efficient as possible.
I never said that people should work for free; on the contrary, they should earn, and as much as possible. However, if they want to earn, they should work. That is not communism.
I think I have to lecture you on the basics of decentralised organisations.
Just for the record. There is a Blurtlatam healing account, which is not associated with this copy made by fervi and they use the same logo, because they only copied the source code, but didn't even have the decency to change it.
We have all worked on blurt in our own way, with our own funds.
I wouldn't say you stole anything from blurtlatam, but from tekraze yes , the source code is free but you should at least mention the people who worked on it, but at least the decency to change the logo would have been something I would have appreciated, the name at least.
You should first follow these yourself. You cant police someone when you are yourself stealing. I don't want to hear any lessons from you. Just stop attacking me and spreading misinformation.
Otherwise you will be just giving me reason to file a defamation case and with proofs
You as well getting from witness so why asking again.
I already justified costs in the proposal post.
I am not even taking half of the calculations.
I don't need to justify you or give proof.
You all just showed who is blocking development.
The community only will decide now.
Hello, I have been saying this for a year now, you can read it in all my comments, here it is more than clear that the only ones that sell at such low prices and drop the price more than 60% less. Since if they go to other cryptocurrencies, their recovery since January was 50% while blurt does not rise. It has only gone down due to the sales of the foundation, since if they only see they are the only ones who create and sell more, they turn around here, they can have my support. Since they are the only ones I have seen who want even to recover their investment or grow the community, since the only thing the witnesses and founders know how to do is cry and say with hate that the attacks they received at the beginning and that they have to carry to eat their families while they bleed this community dry. Since they are working on cosmo, serey, timeacofee, hive and steemit. I don't really think the foundation is needed
Tekraze has left Blurt as a developer because of various reasons one being constant torture by your group and also he is focusing on his career.
Go read Tekraze's post about why he left before you start spreading misinformation again.
I read your comment below and you mention Tekraze's contribution were 5-6 months ago because he isn't working for the Blurt Core team anymore.
Let him try to find and validate my contributions. Lol they all don't have a life of their own. Sad people 😔
While I am able to accept that he is focusing on his career (however, he will earn much more by selling services) torturing ... are you kidding?
It seems that the Blurt Foundation should be pioneering the implementation of new functionality, but the question is whether it is doing so realistically. It seems to me that because of the low rate, many people have already stopped wanting to develop Blurt and this despite the fact that these people were the biggest beneficiaries of the project.
On the other hand, due to the fact that I've been blocked from witness chat, I don't follow the Blurt Discord much and don't even know what's going on.
@Fervi: " On the other hand, due to the fact that I've been blocked from witness chat, I don't follow the Blurt Discord much and don't even know what's going on."
Doesn't mean you must share misinformation. You didn't do any research before writing a whole rant post about Tekraze. You should have at least checked his wallet to see if he was at least getting paid by the Blurt team.
You have access to the Witness Public channel and I think you will get all the support you need there.
The private one isn't for people who are habitual spreaders of misinformation.
I just approved your proposal. There is no such thing as "Blurt Foundation", a more appropriate name for this discord group would be "Blurt Swamp". Thanks again for revealing their "accounts freezing" plan
I have been wondering lately about the founders and the foundation. It does not imply much is going on from them if anything. Development should be funded. Tekraze does do a lot of work
Thanks for the support and trust buddy. I have everything I do public. He is just asking me to make code public, so anyone can access. I dont want to as he already copied and running latam that was worked on by me for free, without any special credits.
And now same person using my work, defaming me.
That's right, he took an existing source code, and didn't even have the decency to remove a logo, which additionally owns another token and blockchain curation account.
yes, even same subdomain name
I hope so, because the last code update created by tekraze was 5-6 months ago. Very interesting, because I think in general the developers have abandoned Blurt and sometimes only saboin will do something.
Hmm. That's bad. Without a development roadmap and timeline we can't hope to attract anyone really
@thegolemseye: As usual Fervi is spreading misinformation. Balvinder/Tekraze has left Blurt a few months ago.
This is the MO of Fervi and his friends they come out with fiction and spread it all around. Now you tell me why should anyone take these people seriously?
It is hard to judge when there seems to be little communication of changes or ideas of future development out there. Is there an account that I am missing following or can we make these announcements clearer? I have recently invested more into Blurt but when I see things like this it does make me less settled than I would have been
Does Bitcoin need Satoshi Nakamoto ?
Free Speech Now !
Bitcoin does not need. Blurt at this stage doesn't seem to need it either. As it is not known what the Blurt Foundation is doing at the moment, as they don't share any reports, and apparently not the funds either, since the BF developers have to ask for funds from the DAO.
And we are not talking about some new project independent of BF. We are talking here about the basic payment of a programmer. Megadrive has pledged to do this and doesn't (unless tekraze just wants to get as much out of each source as possible - I take it, since on witness node they also want funds despite witness node getting paid to own witness node).
I have no idea what they do.
He is just in his own world having hallucinations. Just ignore him and have peace :)
I’m too busy collecting Scrap and Golem parts these days ! Ha ha … . Keep stacking. $100 a day soon.
AAh damn, I was stolen funds both today. Really nice games to pass time and enjoy.
Here is the key… build up Fortifications to 10 + and be happy collecting a little every few hours. These have been my best investment in 7 years. Don’t get too greedy. I’m happy with $ 30 a day.
I am still trying to reach that
Don't ask me. I was kicked out of witness chat a long time ago with no way back xD
Totally agree with your thoughts, nothing more to say. All that must change, for Blurt to succeed. But how to push for them to do something, years trying everything as a community and they do nothing? What to do to make things change?
MegaDrive must be happy at home, getting richer with Blurt and we as users trying to keep the platform from going bankrupt. Interesting.
I second your thoughts. Count me in
We will see what happens. We will try to apply final measures (legal / programming) as a last resort.
Now is the time for the foundation to come to the light and make Blurt shine.
Interesting times... 🖖
No need for a new chain...
BLURT was the correct improvement over hive
But it bears repeating...
but it could certainly use a better foundation 🥓
I am not ruling anything out at this stage.
If the funds from the Blurt Foundation were going to development, just to tekraze and others then I might consider that, although disastrously, they are being used somehow.
If they are not going, and there are indications of that, then it means that the funds are going to a pointless organisation. It means that the foundation is taking funds for development but not spending them.
I, of course, don't think I have ever received any funds from the Blurt Foundation. But I was sure I would, because megadrive doesn't like me (with reciprocity). But if other developers affiliated with the Blurt Foundation don't receive funds, then something is seriously wrong.
For now I'm not doing any work on Hard Fork, I'm hoping to do a project by the end of the week that will popularise Blurt and see how things develop.
@Fervi Go check your own wallet. The Blurt Core team has given you 100,000 BP delegation for your contribution. I was supposed to make a post about it but got busy. You'll see any update in two days.