Welcome to curator report #42 for the @ r2cornell Community. Our Discord membership is 2922. We curated 530 blurt posts with the @dsc-r2cornell account from Sunday, October 16 to Saturday, November 12 afternoon.
Bienvenidos al informe de curaduría #42 para la Comunidad de @r2cornell. Nuestra membresía de Discord es 2922. Nosotros curamos 530 publicaciones de blurt con la cuenta @dsc-r2cornell desde el domingo 16 de Octubre hasta el sábado 12 de Noviembre por la tarde.
Blurtmovies🎬 Review | Movie | Series Update
By @blurtmovies
Curation report for my account! 👓📖 - Today no coconuts 🥥
Harvest Time for our Sweet Potato
Meet Christine!........... NW Cascade Wanderings
Guess the Word and Win Blurt #221 | 40 Blurt Reward
By @blurttribe
Pinning post | Image Hosting Solutions | Better use of Blurt.one Frontend
By @blurt.one
By @dodoim
좋은 아침
By @cjsdns
Walk routines at my Favorite Park
This brings us to the end of our 42th Healing Report. There are so many quality posts curated this week that it was difficult to choose the ones for the report. I can only say "Great job everyone".
Esto nos lleva al final de nuestro Informe #42 de curación. Hay tantas publicaciones de calidad curadas esta semana que fue difícil elegir las del informe. Sólo puedo decir "Gran trabajo para todos".
Thanks for sharing this wonderful report with us. The curator method was very nice .
todos los usuarios seleccionados y al equipo de curacion de @dsc-r2cornell.
Great work collect the lovely 🌹 and curate's and appreciate to all blurt friends.
I hope you continue that great program.
42 নাম্বার কিউরেশন রিপোর্ট আমাদের মাঝে সাবমিট করার জন্য অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ।
This has been a terrific selection of items.
It is gratifying to see that every day, more and more users create quality content, and are very committed to Blurt and its users.
Congratulations to those who were selected in this report.
Thank you