Most valuable Test equipment I own

in # r2cornell •  2 years ago • 2 min read

Vector analizer can measure network parameters and electeical parameters . It commonly measure S parameters .
There are two basic type of VNA's

  1. Scalar network analizer.
  2. Vector network analizer.

Scalar network analizer measure amlitude properties only.
Vector network analizer measure amplitude and phase properties.

This VNA can measure amlitude , phase, SWR, polarization of RF signal. It can measure 100Khz to 4.5Ghz RF signal. These days I have to repair 1kw amplifiers so I use this vna to measure phase and impedance of these amplifiers

before measure the any component firstly we must want to calibrate this VNA so I have calibrater

This is mannual calibaration unit it have 5 ports each of them are

1 .Open

  1. Short
  2. Match
  3. Through

This picture show the calibration setup and it give the instructions how to calibrate this unit correctly.

This is the picture show phase angle of RF signal.

This is the smith chart it show the output impedance of device under teat.

This unite cost 19,000USD and it is very sensitive device. When you using these device you must attention to its specifications. This device can only handle 30dbm signal equal to 1watt. So if we input more than 30dbm we must reduce the power using attenuaters. It has internal signal genarator it can give 0dbm signal to -10dbm signal if we maesure amplifiers we must switch off internal signal genarator.

Thank you 🙏.

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