Child Marriage: A Social Problem

in # r2cornell •  4 months ago • 2 min read

Child Marriage: A Social Problem

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Dear reader! Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah. how are you all Hope all are well by God's grace. I am also fine with your prayers and Allah's infinite mercy. Today's discussion is on Child Marriage: A Social Problem".

Child marriage or child marriage is a serious social problem that affects many levels of our society It is a practice in which one or more children are married, usually at a young age or as a teenager This practice is especially prevalent in developing countries where lack of education, poverty and social pressure The main reasons are given below

Impact of child marriage
Child marriage often results in children dropping out of school thereby permanently losing educational opportunities that limit or eliminate their future employment opportunities

Being married at an early age can lead to poor physical and mental health of girls and various health problems as they are not physically ready for pregnancy

Child marriage also affects the economic status of families when children marry instead of working reducing or eliminating their earning potential

Child marriage creates social instability, creating a cycle where new generations continue the practice and take other paths

Ways to prevent child marriage
Child marriage needs to be increased or needed and child marriage can be prevented by educating them if we are aware

Awareness should be raised among local communities and families about the harmful effects of child marriage, using different media or methods if necessary.

Strict laws against child marriage should be formulated and enforced through government and private agencies so that no one can indulge in such acts easily.

Providing financial support to poor families will encourage them to invest in their education rather than marrying them off, such initiatives will certainly prevent child marriage.

Child marriage is a serious social problem which hinders the development of our society. It is our responsibility and duty to fight against this practice or adopt alternative methods and build a conscious society. We can solve this problem by means or steps


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