Politics is simply said to be a methodology and activities associated with running a government, an organization, or a movement. Or also referred to the profession of conducting political affairs et al . Now, with these definitions above, using Nigeria as a case study; Does politics seem to be rightly played as it ought to in our country today?
I was asked a question by my senior back then in secondary School (Mt. St. Michael's Secondary School,Aliade) early this year on Facebook regarding the reason(s) and motive why I often say and believe I'd be the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria someday, and my reply was thus, "it is believed that politics is a dirty game and hence, nobody is convinced any politician would ever lead rightfully, but I am however certain and confident of being a good leader(politician) with a difference which will in turn impact positively to all Nigerians and the world at Large." My response wasn't just merely what it seems but largely pertaining to the bad influence and interests the people of the Nigerian State has wrongly adopted over the years which has largely caused more harm than good.
In the real sense, politics is supposed to be a way of enhancing and exhibiting leadership responsibly and rightly. And as a leader, it entails that you do many things, which the most important thing to have in mind is that "you're just but a servant of the people whom you're leading". One is called to serve and not to be served. If most people (opportune politicians) adopts this mindset then, Nigeria would be a great nation. But the reverse is the case, sadly. Because at many instances in our various societies and communities etc, we've got people of the opposite (corrupt) ideology of leading, and most often they turn to say casually that "let's play this politics, afterall we ain't the ones that started it and we won't/can't end it", shielding aside the main objective(s) of POLITICS which makes even those with the right intentions to also have a rethink and redefinition of what they know, and as such causes havoc that ordinarily shouldn't have occurred.
Nigeria needs to adjust in numerous ways to avoid the trivial happenings surrounding her, especially the menace of the selfish interests the citizens often conceive in any opportunity given. We need to restructure all these from the grassroots otherwise there's no way it will be effective from the top. It can be started or done from the nursery/Primary and secondary schools, teaching them the true norms of politics, and these teachers too should be carefully selected in this area so they'll be leading by example etc, otherwise we'll still be doomed.
Conclusively, with these myopic thoughts and understanding of politics in our today world, we ought to be that change we crave for, by ourselves. And to accomplish these, we should act in accordance to God's will, because if we have the fear of God in us too then, we'd learn to do all things rightfully with love. Like Martin Luther King Jr would say; "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear", and also,he said; "We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools."
I now leave you with the question to answer, as to whether POLITICS IS A DIRTY GAME?
©️James Yateghtegh,26/07/2022.
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Nigeria is gradually becoming something else i love your futuristic goal toward becoming the leading President i pray it comes through, the truth is here in Nigeria politics is a dirty game and if you dont play by their rule you can either get killed either way that the sad truth i pray our bad leaders see to be good and care about the citizen, from base we need to collectively play our part by being good citizen which a lot find hard to be.
God save our dear country bro!