Ciencias naturales las partes del Ojo. Estrategia didactica

in # r2cornell •  2 years ago • 4 min read

Estamos casi en la ultima etapa del primer lapso, cada dia las evaluaciones son mas seguida, he estado full en mis estudios, pero sigo publicando y compartiendo con ustedes mi dias y mis evaluaciones.

Antes e iniciar con el tema deeo mostrales una foto que en donde mi cara esta llena de felicidad, tuve una evaluacion de la materia fisica saque 20, en despeje. Lo deseo compartir con ustedes esta felicidad.



En el dia de ayer mi hermano presento en Ciencias naturales una estrategias de aprender las partes del Ojo. Esta estrategias nuestra Madre como siempre nos apoyo en nuestro trabajo, ella siempre esta juntos de mi hermano y de mi, es la que nos apoya dia a dia, mi hermano y yo estamos agardecidos con ella por todo el apoyo que no ha dado, la confianza en nosotros, cuando muchos dudaron que mi hermano y yo por ser Autista no podiamos ella nunca se rindio, nos apoya dia a dia, gracias mami por tu amor.

Bueno para realizar esta estrategia utilizamos:

  • Papel Blanco
  • Pintura.
  • Pega
  • Papel.
  • Globo

Primero iniciamos cortando el papel en cuadrito, luego, inflamos el globo, el papel de cuadrito se le coloco pegamento, pegamos alrededor del globo, hasta cubrilo por completo, varias capa, estopara hacer la forma del ojo, este tendra dos parte el ojo la forma que sostiene el Ojo, no le pue mostrar con foto los pasos ya que lo hicimos tarde.

Porque mi madres a parte que nos acompaña dia a dia nuestro liceo, para apoyarnos ella tambien tiene trabajo alcaldia, cuando no esta con nostros en el liceo, esta trabajando. Es por ello publico para poder ayudar a mi mama con los gastos, aunque publico muy poco se que podre reunior rapido dinero, comprarme una pc de mayor capacidad, trabajar mejor esta red social.

Ya que a traves de esta estrategia Mi hermano Angel explicara como esta constituido el ojo, aqui le muestro la foto del trabajo hecho en casa




El dia de a explicacion en el salon de claes de mi hermano.



Grcaias a ustedes con su apoyo me ayudan a mi a seguir creciendo, poder comprarme mi lapto.

We are almost in the last stage of the first period, every day the evaluations are more frequent, I have been full in my studies, but I continue publishing and sharing with you my days and my evaluations.

Before and start with the subject of I show you a photo where my face is full of happiness, I had an evaluation of the physical matter I scored 20, in clearance. I wish to share with you this happiness.



Yesterday my brother presented in Natural Sciences a strategy to learn the parts of the Eye. This strategy, our Mother, as always, supports us in our work, she is always together with my brother and me, she is the one who supports us every day, my brother and I are grateful to her for all the support she has not given, the trust in us, when many doubted that my brother and I could not, because we were Autistic, she never gave up, she supports us every day, thank you mommy for your love.

Well to carry out this strategy we use:

  • White paper
  • Paint.
  • Job
  • Paper.
  • Balloon

First we start cutting the paper into squares, then we inflate the balloon, glue is placed on the square paper, we glue around the balloon, until it is completely covered, several layers, this to make the shape of the eye, this will have two parts: the eye and the shape that holds the Eye, I can't show you the steps with a photo since we did it late.

Because my mothers, apart from the fact that our high school accompanies us every day, to support us, she also has a job at the mayor's office, when she is not with us at the high school, she is working. That is why I publish to be able to help my mother with the expenses, although I publish very little, I know that I will be able to collect money quickly, buy a PC with greater capacity, work better on this social network.

Since through this strategy my brother Angel will explain how the eye is made, here I show you the photo of the work done at home




The day of the explanation in my brother's classroom.



Thanks to you, with your support, you help me to continue growing, to be able to buy my laptop.

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