Good day Blurtians, and happy weekend.
Today's topic seed is; God's Good Books
Bible Text; John 8:21-29.
If you are in someone's good books, it means that they are pleased with you, that they regard you with favour, that you are highly thought of.
A wise Christian will want to enter and stay in God's good books, not for ones but forever! You cannot even begin to quantify the benefits of such a life!
Jesus Christ of Nazareth our Lord and Saviour spoke simply that, “the secret to His staying in the Father's good books was to always do what pleased Him.
Not every christian is in God's good books, and not all Christian always do what pleases God. So, Start a habit today by asking yourself, Does my ways or steps pleased God? If your answer is No, then repent and stop it.
When you are in the God's good books it's means you are in God's plans. However, everything will just started working out for you beyond your imagination.
Endeavor to stay in God's good books today and forever. Strive to do what will please Him always.
May you enjoy the grace to please God, and enjoy victory in every area of life.
Thanks for your time
Always Remember To Pray For Your Love Once
Still Me, @princefm
The first week of Intervention Support Voters is completed and I am happy to announce that we got a positive response from the communities curators.
Let's begin the 8th edition of Intervention Support Upvotes with three lucky authors. I pray that many will join.
Every day all active Blurter members in this group upvote the article of three lucky authors and leave engaging comments.
The post should be dated earlier than 48 hours and the candidates for the next event are selected from the batch of regular voters from the previous editions.
One author can receive votes and support from the group only once a week. If you think it is an interesting initiative please join the voters and don't forget to invite your friends too.
I believe that together we are powerful, so if 50 Blurters successfully vote 100% on each of the articles, it will boost that article to 500 Blurts. This "Vote support intervention" is way better than 250 Blurts without the group support.
If you are ready, let's collectively support the following authors for 24 hours.
Thanks to all who joined the event yesterday both articles accumulated more than 35 votes.
Here are the lucky authors of the day's event
First Author
Second Author
Third Author
Thank you for the great support. I appreciate it a lot 🙏🙏.
Voted the other two authors.
The intervention support voter is on the way to visit your article
Good day