in # r2cornell •  3 years ago • 10 min read


Author: @r2cornell


I took the above photograph a couple of years ago at a Botanical garden in Spokane, Washington. I tried a different approach to cropping. My software must have had an upgrade because I had not seen this feature before. I trust you will enjoy this lovely photo.

Tomé esta fotografía hace un par de años en un jardín botánico de Spokane, Washington. Intenté un enfoque diferente para el recorte. Mi software debe haber tenido una actualización porque no había visto esta función antes. Confío en que disfruten de esta hermosa foto.

end of post graphic.png

As I stated in my last post, I took some days off and left town. My wife and I needed a break. I do most of the care-work with the disabled ladies who live with us, although my wife has been feeling better and is trying to do more. I am slowly getting caught up, but trying not to push myself too hard. My days are long enough without pushing myself.

Como dije en mi último post, me tomé unos días libres y me fui de la ciudad. Mi mujer y yo necesitábamos un descanso. Yo hago la mayor parte del trabajo de cuidado de las señoras discapacitadas que viven con nosotros, aunque mi esposa se ha sentido mejor y está tratando de hacer más. Poco a poco me voy poniendo al día, pero intento no presionarme demasiado. Mis días ya son lo suficientemente largos como para presionarme a mí mismo.

I did start working on this post yesterday afternoon. I mostly selected photos and cropped any that needed it. I think you will enjoy some of this week's photographs. I do not believe I have used any of the photos previously on any of the platforms. The flower may have been in a different photo, although these photos were in a folder I save for future blog posts.

Ayer por la tarde empecé a trabajar en este post. Principalmente seleccioné las fotos y recorté las que lo necesitaban. Creo que os gustarán algunas de las fotografías de esta semana. Creo que no he utilizado ninguna de las fotos anteriormente en ninguna de las plataformas. La flor puede haber estado en una foto diferente, aunque estas fotos estaban en una carpeta que guardo para futuras entradas del blog.

The issue of doing quality publications continues to come up. Our Curators look for the highest quality that they can find. I know many have written about this topic, and I may have also written about it. My Curators and I continue to get users complaining that their publications are not getting our attention. When I have the time I try and look at the person's publications to see how they are doing. Many times the quality is not there. So what is quality?

El tema de la calidad de las publicaciones sigue siendo un problema. Nuestros curators buscan la máxima calidad que puedan encontrar. Sé que muchos han escrito sobre este tema, y puede que yo también lo haya hecho. Mis conservadores y yo seguimos recibiendo usuarios que se quejan de que sus publicaciones no reciben nuestra atención. Cuando tengo tiempo, intento mirar las publicaciones de la persona para ver cómo lo está haciendo. Muchas veces la calidad no está ahí. Entonces, ¿qué es la calidad?

From Oxford on-line dictionary:

  1. The standard of something when it is compared to other things like it; how good or bad something is
  2. A high standard
  3. A feature of somebody/something, especially one that makes them different from somebody/something else

Del diccionario Oxford en línea:
1. El nivel de algo cuando se compara con otras cosas similares; lo bueno o malo que es algo
2. Un estándar alto
3. Una característica de alguien/algo, especialmente una que lo hace diferente de alguien/algo más

In the above list number 1 gives us a clue on how we might reach this state of quality. "...when it is compared to other things like it..." I still look at users posts that tend to put out quality publications. Over the years it has given me ideas on how to improve. I have also seen others modal their publications after mine. To me it is an ongoing learning process. This blogging is not an easy process. It takes time to grow our blogging in the range of good quality to high quality. I am always self-critical of my work and strive to improve. My first publications years ago on Steemit, would not meet my idea of quality posts. First I had to relax and enjoy the process, and work on improving. There is something to say about quantity versus quality.

En la lista anterior, el número 1 nos da una pista sobre cómo podemos alcanzar este estado de calidad. "...cuando se compara con otras cosas similares..." Sigo mirando los puestos de los usuarios que suelen sacar publicaciones de calidad. A lo largo de los años me ha dado ideas para mejorar. También he visto que otros modelan sus publicaciones según las mías. Para mí es un proceso de aprendizaje continuo. Esto de los blogs no es un proceso fácil. Lleva tiempo hacer crecer nuestro blog en el rango de la buena calidad a la alta calidad. Siempre soy autocrítico con mi trabajo y me esfuerzo por mejorar. Mis primeras publicaciones, hace años, en Steemit, no respondían a mi idea de posts de calidad. Primero tuve que relajarme y disfrutar del proceso, y trabajar para mejorar. Hay algo que decir sobre la cantidad frente a la calidad.

I have had some ask me why I do not do more publications instead of one long one. Do them daily instead of weekly. Even if I had the time I would still focus on fewer and longer post. Some users do daily publications. I have seen some do multiple posts in a single day. These posts typically are of lower quality, and will earn less in the long run that the way I do it. Now there are a few users who publish frequently and their publications are of high quality. I can only assume they do not work 7 days a week, 12 - 15 hours a day. They have the extra time to spend blogging. I think I have good energy in spite of the long days I work, so the day may come when I can devote more time. For now I want to keep putting out the best quality I can and seek ways to improve.

Algunos me han preguntado por qué no hago más publicaciones en lugar de una larga. Hacerlas diariamente en lugar de semanalmente. Aunque tuviera tiempo me centraría en menos publicaciones y más largas. Algunos usuarios hacen publicaciones diarias. He visto a algunos hacer varias publicaciones en un solo día. Estos posts normalmente son de menor calidad, y ganarán menos a largo plazo que de la forma en que yo lo hago. Ahora hay algunos usuarios que publican con frecuencia y sus publicaciones son de alta calidad. Sólo puedo suponer que no trabajan 7 días a la semana, 12 - 15 horas al día. Tienen tiempo extra para dedicar a los blogs. Creo que tengo buena energía a pesar de las largas jornadas de trabajo, así que puede llegar el día en que pueda dedicar más tiempo. Por ahora quiero seguir poniendo la mejor calidad que pueda y buscar formas de mejorar.

So "your mission, if you choose to accept it", is to study publications you find that are of high quality. Continually seek ways to improve in what you do. This blogging is not an easy tasks. One must first get a handle on quality and then the income will start to grow.

Así que "tu misión, si decides aceptarla", es estudiar las publicaciones que encuentres que sean de alta calidad. Busca continuamente formas de mejorar en lo que haces. Esto de los blogs no es una tarea fácil. Primero hay que conseguir un blog de calidad, y luego los ingresos empezarán a crecer.

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The following photo was taken a couple of years ago. It was in a greenhouse at the Botanical Gardens I mentioned earlier. I have no idea what it is, except it has some unique qualities.

La siguiente foto fue tomada hace un par de años. Estaba en un invernadero del Jardín Botánico que mencioné antes. No tengo ni idea de lo que es, excepto que tiene algunas cualidades únicas.


I could not recall if I shared this exact photo of a Pansy. I could not help but share it here, even if I used it before. If it was used it would have been on Blurt. I just love the color mix.

No recordaba si compartí esta foto exacta de un Pansy. No he podido evitar compartirla aquí, aunque la haya utilizado antes. Si se utilizó habría sido en Blurt. Me encanta la mezcla de colores.


Here is another photo I took at the Botanical garden. It is a vine type plant. I have something growing in a pot that looks similar, and plan on repotting it to try and grow indoor. Once I get it repotted I will share that one with you.

Aquí hay otra foto que tomé en el jardín botánico. Es una planta tipo enredadera. Tengo algo que crece en una maceta que se parece, y planea trasplantarlo para tratar de crecer en el interior. Una vez que la trasplante, la compartiré con ustedes.


Here is a flower I shared some weeks ago. I captured this picture as it was first opening.

Aquí está una flor que compartí hace algunas semanas. Capturé esta foto cuando se estaba abriendo por primera vez.


Here is a photograph of a Zinnia. It is a wonderful flower to gaze upon. Notice the smaller yellow flowerets in the center of the flower. Zinnias come in many colors and are easy to grow.

Aquí hay una fotografía de una Zinnia. Es una flor maravillosa para contemplar. Fíjese en las florecillas amarillas del centro de la flor. Las zinias vienen en muchos colores y son fáciles de cultivar.


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This brings us to the end of this publication. I trust you will find something in it that you enjoy. In my photography I try to bring out hidden beauty that many miss, and share the wonder I experience when I see a flower. This week's post is of no exception.

Con esto llegamos al final de esta publicación. Confío en que encuentren en ella algo que les guste. En mi fotografía intento sacar a la luz la belleza oculta que muchos pasan por alto, y compartir la maravilla que experimento cuando veo una flor. El post de esta semana no es una excepción.

I normally use a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs, except where noted. I do take some photographs with my Samsung Note 9 smart phone and include them from time to time. The only editing I do on my photographs is some cropping to center the photo, or to bring it closer to the viewer.

Normalmente utilizo una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para la mayoría de las fotografías, excepto cuando se indica. También tomo algunas fotografías con mi teléfono inteligente Samsung Note 9 y las incluyo de vez en cuando. La única edición que hago en mis fotografías es algún recorte para centrar la foto, o para acercarla al espectador.


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wonderful photography. I loved the seeing the details in the flowers.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Glad you enjoyed the photographs

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Congratulations your post has been curated by @blurt-india .
Make quality posts and use our tag #blurtindia .

Support our couration account by delegating some of your blurt power to blurt-india and make it stronger

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wao wanderfull your post. I like it.💖💖

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @techclub

Manually curated by


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Follow techclub DISCORD for more updates and use tag #techclub for tagging content

you can also delegate to @techclub to support curation

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you

Hello @r2cornell
Thank you for sharing such great content!
PLEASE KINDLY CLICK HERE TO VOTE US AS BLURT WITNESSBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifUse #blurtconnect tag to get more upvotes from us

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you.

You are welcome sir 🙏🙏🙏
You can support us by voting our witness

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I can look at it tomorrow. I have been limiting who gets votes so I do not dilute my voting so as to have those in the top 10 to have as much as they need to stay in the top 10.

Private message me for more information and to remind me.


Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @crisch23, from the @repostmydaily curation account

Encuentra nuestra comunidad aquí / Find our community here

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank You

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @oscarps, from the @phototalent curation account

Encuentra nuestra comunidad aquí / Find our community here

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Genial su manera de explicar cuando se refiere en calidad de publicaciones, de verdad disfruto sus post pues me permite aprender, son muy didácticas, gracias

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias. Me alegro de que sea de ayuda.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This post has been manually upvoted by @epistem

You are invited to use the tag #epistem when posting within the niche of the community. Also, follow us on @epistem and on our Discord community to keep abreast with the activities of the community.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Who would want to miss out on the beauty captured in the nature around them, especially the flowers? The zinnia, looking like a crown of yellow flowers, is a lovely touch and it's good to know that they are easy to grow.
As for the frequency and duration of postings, I think everyone should post in the way they feel most comfortable, without that being a problem, of course, as you say, respecting quality. I see your concern in this regard and it seems reasonable to me, the questioning of votes is usually a recurring theme of those who have the very difficult task of being valuable curators.
Thanks for sharing your reflections, I particularly like to see the human side of people.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your comment. It is appreciated.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Your photography is very nice & lovey.i love your photograph.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wow I am impressed by your beautiful photography. Thank you sir for sharing such beautiful photography with us.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I am always happy to hear when people enjoy my photos.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sorry for your wife though, glad she's getting better. The flowers are lovely, especially the first.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks. She is doing much better. Part of moving on through the years in this life is the aging process. I know I have to deal with the process. I have this theory that I have to keep moving or I will be in trouble. I recently told one of my sisters, who was having some low back issues, that we need to keep moving or we will rust. Rust tends to attack moving parts (our joints). LOL

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Lol, you got me giggling. Yeah I perfectly agree with you with movement. The problem is most elderly people don't wanna move, or remain active, they just wanna be done everything for.
Thumbs up to you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What a great post. You have described all aspects very clearly and nicely. And you have shared awesome photos.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I always get users complaining their posts are not being curated by my team. Not always, but many times, the quality is just not their. Even with all the voting power between 4 active curation accounts there is still more users using my Discord Post Promotion channel. Quality of the posts shared are a priority in my team deciding whether or not to curate. I know that there are some quality posts that get missed, but we do the best we can.

Many users that have been on these platforms for awhile continue to strive for higher quality in their posts. I know I do. Back in 2017, on Steemit, when I was not getting the attention I felt I deserved, I began looking at improving what I was writing and sharing. I also looked at what people liked in my posts, and then built around that. Initially it was my photographs, but over the years, especially on Blurt my narrative became important because I was sharing information that should help some users on their journey here.

I may not have all the answers. or my point of view may be different from others, but my hope is that users can build their presence here as I have. With that they will begin earning more money. In these 5 years I have seen many users grow from doing okay posts to doing exceptional posts. Many will attest to the amount of hard work involved to grow your blogging presence.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Just awesome,
Amazing photography.
I love your photography.

Wow, you have presented us with some beautiful and lovely flower photography. I like it a lot. Who doesn't like flower photography. The photography is amazing

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the photography.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I like your photography .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed my photography.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Si hay alguien que no encuentre algo útil en tus artículos, entonces no creo que sepa lo que trqansmite cada una de sus publicaciones. He visto algunas flores de las que ha compartido, pero aún no las tengo en mi jardín.

Estoy enfocado por ahora cuidando unos tulipanes que pensé habían muerto por no saber cuidarlos, no obstante han abrotado y estoy ansioso por saber si los tres colores que adquirí el año pasado vuelven a florecer.

En mi país, Venezuela, difícilmente pueden adaptarse por ser un país tropical.

Seguramente cuando florezcan mis tulipanes, compartiré algunas fotos.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias. Me encantan los tulipanes. Desgraciadamente también los ciervos. Los planté cerca de la casa y los roedores se comieron los bulbos. Puede que pruebe a plantar algunos en macetas y ver cómo va. Para nosotros aquí son algunas de las flores más tempranas que florecen después de un frío invierno nevado.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Another reminder to stick to quality and improve from good quality to high quality... I do have that in mind always but I appreciate the reminder.

You giving out a good post like this one every week is commendable... I just wish some persons will consider this instead of filling people's feed with lots of non quality posts.

Those photography shots came out so well... Old but gold huh? 😅 I love the color mixture of the vine type plant 😍 my favourite.

Its nice reading from you, until next week I guess 😁

Otro recordatorio para apegarse a la calidad y mejorar de buena calidad a alta calidad... Siempre tengo eso en mente, pero agradezco el recordatorio.

Es digno de elogio que publiques una buena publicación como esta todas las semanas... Solo deseo que algunas personas consideren esto en lugar de llenar el feed de la gente con muchas publicaciones que no son de calidad.

Esas tomas de fotografía salieron tan bien... Viejas pero doradas, ¿eh? 😅 Me encanta la mezcla de colores de la planta tipo enredadera 😍 mi favorita.

Es agradable leer de ti, hasta la próxima semana, supongo 😁

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much