Work on your mind as much as on your body.. πŸ§ πŸ‹β€β™€οΈπŸ‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ€Ήβ€β™€οΈπŸ§©

in # r2cornell β€’  last year β€’ 2 min read

Hello blurtians..
Hope all are doing well..
I'm also good..

I was busy in some family functions,kids home works, shopping and some household chores.. As well i was spending all my blurt time in my newly launched contest on blurt by name
Even though I was trying to be active on blurt by reading, upvoting and commenting on my fellow blogger's posts but without writing a daily blog I was feeling like something is missing..

Anyways I love organizing contests and games..

In our family gatherings we use to play many games like Damsharas (a guessing game), truth and dare, lotto tickets, carrom and chits games etc..



And I use to organize mind games for my kids in their leisure.. My kid's favorite game is memory game..I'll keep some 15-20 random objects and let them watch it carefully for 1 minute.. Then i cover those objects with a piece of cloth.. And ask them to list✍️ the objects name on a paper..
They love playing it.. It may increase their ability of rembering, memorizing and recalling..



I even make them play quiz, dictation and random MCQ tests on different subjects related to religion, gk, spellings, grammar and sports etc..

Do you play mind games with your kids??
If yes then please suggest some new games to play with them..

After seeing so many beautifull blurt contests.. I decided to start a contest related to plants.. πŸŒ±πŸŒ΄πŸŒΏπŸŒ΅πŸŽ‹πŸŽBecause plants are always my favorite topic..My contest is"PLANT TITLE QUEST"where the participants has to guess the name of plant by seeing it's picture and the question is MCQ having 4 options to select out the correct one..Daily I'm posting a new question with previous question's answer and a YouTube link for that plant's growing tips and care..


This contest will help people identify the different plants names found in our surroundings..And the YouTube link provided will help to grow that plant.. 🌱

As our body requires physical exercise for better performance, Our mind also requires mental excersie to keep it's functioning better..

Mind games benefits..
🧠 Boosts memory, concentration & self confidence..
🧠 Enhances creativity..
🧠 Develops problem-solving skills.
🧠Stimulates brain..

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  Β·  last year  Β·  

Great! Even I will try it with my daughter one she grows a little. Inshallah! And you are doing great with your contest. I am loving it! Keep going and keep growing πŸ‘

  Β·  last year  Β·  

Thanks @madarchs for always encouraging and uplifting my spirit..
And a special thanks for always making an on time appearance in my contest..