A view of Katihar New Market!

in # r2cornell •  3 years ago • 4 min read


Hello friends!

How are you? I'm totally fine And I hope you are fine. Your family will also be good. Welcome to my blog. Today I went to the market. Whose name is Katihar New Market. Which is about 7 to 8 k .m away from our house. And it is also a district. It is a special district within Bihar. Which everyone knows. Katihar Market is very famous where all kinds of goods are bought and sold. So I also went with my vegetables. Those vegetables were parwal. And we cultivate parwal. And want to reach the market in the morning to sell the same. As usual, I also went to the market this morning. And then gave it to a man to sell parwal. And then those people sell to others. And then there we saw a lot and I took a lot of pictures and then came back home. I will share those pictures with you guys too. And I'll also tell them about what they are. And also about what I drew. And want to show why. So that you guys know why I worked so hard for you guys.

Please read my post in Hindi.

हैलो मित्रों!
आप लोग कैसे हैं?
मैं बिल्कुल ठीक हूं। और मुझे आशा है कि आप ठीक होंगे। आपका परिवार भी अच्छा होगा। मेरे ब्लॉग पर स्वागत है। आज मैं बाजार गया था। जिसका नाम कटिहार न्यू मार्केट है। जो हमारे घर से करीब 7 से 8 किलोमीटर दूर है। और यह एक जिला भी है। यह बिहार के अंदर एक विशेष जिला है। जिसे सभी जानते हैं। कटिहार मार्केट बहुत प्रसिद्ध है जहां हर तरह का सामान खरीदा और बेचा जाता है। इसलिए मैं भी अपनी सब्जियों के साथ गया। वो सब्जियां थीं परवल। और हम परवल की खेती करते हैं। और वही बेचने के लिए सुबह बाजार पहुंचना चाहते हैं। रोज की तरह मैं भी आज सुबह बाजार गया था। और फिर एक आदमी को परवल बेचने के लिए दे दिया। और फिर वो लोग दूसरों को बेचते हैं। और फिर वहाँ हमने बहुत कुछ देखा और मैंने बहुत सारी तस्वीरें लीं और फिर घर वापस आ गया। मैं उन तस्वीरों को आप लोगों के साथ भी साझा करूंगा। और मैं उनके बारे में भी बताऊंगा कि वे क्या हैं। और जो मैंने खींचा उसके बारे में भी ।और क्यों दिखाना चाहते हैं। ताकि आप लोगों को पता चले कि मैंने आप लोगों के लिए इतनी मेहनत क्यों की।
This is the board of the shop where vegetables are bought and sold. I took a beautiful picture of it so that you can show it to the people and you also enjoy and you also know which shop it is and where it is. And how I think this is a very good shop and I always go to this shop.


This is a picture of the manager of a shop who keeps his accounts of his shop. And pays. The number of days I sold the goods to him, it was given to me very soon and it is very good to see and the habit is also very good.

And this is my picture. I took this picture from inside his shop. When I went inside his shop, I found it very beautiful to see so I even took a picture of myself so that I can share it with you guys.


And this is the picture where the goods are weighed and you see that a laborer is weighing the goods and he weighs very well.


And this is the picture you are seeing or the picture of capsicum and this is the picture of the market where the goods are kept. And the worker is standing to weigh. And the goods are being sold. And the laborer is weighing it. And this is a very sight.


Thank you so much in the gut that you read my blog.

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