The Kitten Who Always Want More

in # r2cornell •  16 days ago • 3 min read

I'm not usually a fan of cats or dogs, I don't like the fur. But this little one was irresistible. So cute! My son said he got him from a classmate. It was something about the mother cat passing away. I'm not entirely sure of the details, but this cat was adorable and a sweetheart.


Pepper, spent his first day with us shyly hidden amongst the clutter of our stockroom. His wide, blue eyes peered out cautiously from the shadows.


He made the cutest sounds while eating "na, na, na" when he was eating. He wasn't afraid of people at all, he'd just eat, as if grateful for what my son had done.
At first, he was just a playful kitten, not very attached to us. But as he grew, he got a little chubby. And always hungry! If he wanted food, he'd do something to get our attention. He'd knock over his food bowl, or meow loudly. Eventually, he learned to open the food canister himself! He even figured out how to open the oven!
As he got older, he learned to ask for water. He'd go to the bathroom, that's where he could reach it, and meow to catch our attention to give him water from the faucet. He couldn't jump to the sink because he was too round.


Even if he is older now, he still retains the playful spirit. Whenever he sees a bird, he'll try to catch it. If he misses, he'll cry out in frustration. It's both funny and cute, you know?
In the mornings, if the door was open, he'd come in and give me these little kisses. He'd nuzzle close but never actually touch his nose or mouth to me. It was adorable.
If the door was closed, he'd meow outside, especially around 6:00 AM. He was like a built-in alarm clock! When my son opened the door, Pepper would jump on my bed and give those pretend kisses again.
If I have an early class, and I don't have time to feed him, he'd climb onto my table and wait until my break. If I'm really busy teaching, he might even go to my computer.
The sound of cars passing by would make him run and hide. He didn't like going outside, and he didn't even know how to climb our tree. But, surprisingly, he changed. Just recently, he climbed the tree, and he even went past our gate to play in the dirt.



It's amazing how much he has changed.
Having Pepper beside me during my online classes has been a unique and rewarding experience. It taught me the importance of patience, not just in teaching, but in life. His presence has also reminded me of the importance of connection and the simple joys of companionship, even amid a busy workday. His journey from a tiny, rescued kitten to a beloved classroom companion has enriched my life in countless ways.

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