A Gift from I to Blurt - DeFi 101

in # robinia •  3 years ago (edited)• 4 min read

I have been investigating the application of liquidity pools for years now, never having in vested in 1 until the Hive engine made it possible with Zero Fees. I will only support Zero Fee Liquidity Pools because I AM THE ONE WITH THE MONEY. The code is already free and open source, so no one needs to paid for that.

I was charged 0.5 Blurt for the network usage which is acceptable if that was distributed to other liquidity providers and not the domain owner unless they were invested themselves.

After realizing I liked the Robinia swap methodology of 3rd party usage with Pancake swap, I began to do a serious dig for a place to park some funds in a pool.


I have manifested a RBS to BBlurt LP, out of respect for both projects.



Now I have 277.877 Cake-LP representing my first deposit of 113.102 RBS & 684.419 BBlurt.

BBlurt is the BNB pegged Blurt token. 1 BBlurt = 1 Blurt.

RBS is the native token for Robinia Swap.

This functionality on a 3rd party, is much more secure than the Hive Engine DPOS model. Yes we have a distributed Proof of Stake but its on 3 different networks in this liquidity pool and not subject to the same fault tolerance as Hive Engine. This is just speculation, but now my money is out of the witnesses grasp, I can not be network attacked unless all 3 Robinia, Pancake Swap and Blurt were to engage in a assault on my accounts and single me out. The effort wouldn't even be worth anyone's time.

Interoperability is so Important You have no Idea How Important it is Until You Realize how Protected your Financial Freedom is in DeFi

A long time ago, I spoke of interoperability between Zcash and Monero. That idea was like a Sega Dreamcast and it was absorbed to its full potential and regurgitate so fast no one enjoyed the full perspective of how powerful a privacy coins merger would be. So since that was a long shot, I have been exploring other layers of interoperability where I wont loose privacy coin enthusiasts as friends who are loyal to only 1 privacy coin.

Having your coins in a LP is a way to avoid The Unrealized Capital Gains Tax

How can they tax a non liquid asset?

They cant tax what cant be moved, this will require more litigation than a simple Unrealized Capital Gains Tax to coerce you with state sponsored ethics into denying your right to financial sovereignty.

I feel my libertarian heart beat, and my imagination dripping with thirst for free market enterprise potential in this sovereign state of finance. People really do not understand how powerful this DeFi stuff is, they just buy NFT's and rug pull... Okay rug all day long, but you will be investing in something else no?

Maybe these individuals have not looked into the Austrian School of Businesses interpretation of Supply and Demand Capitalism, but this DeFi stuff is in demand. I want all of my coins locked into contracts that are timeless so I can be forever out of reach of the autocrats seething with lust to dominate my financial affairs.

Final Thought

WTF do i do with this brand new, first of its kind LP Pancake Swap token now that I have it?

I am going to see how to stake a new LP token, usually you would just go to Robinia swap and pick the pool and use their smart contract coding that asks metamask to approve the contract.

If anyone reads this who is in charge at Robinia Swap, please do tell me in plain numerical fashion how much LP I would have to invest into the pool to make this Liquidity pair worth your time to add to the exchanges front end.

I am not going to start tagging the big dogs on Blurt, but it had crossed my mind. ON hive people always tag the large share holders, and I know people on blurt who would probably have the answer, I would like to see this article curate its way to their eyes and feeds organically though.

If you support this decentralized mind state, upvote and reblurt!

100% Power Up on this Post!!! #blurtmoon

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Thanks for the post

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I already used Robinia swap. And will support decentralized state.

Keep up this.
Almost we should be interested this.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Me: *only buys like 50-80 blurt at a time. lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

lol the day i rage quit hive is well marked in the blurt price and i am proud of that as it shows what they just lost the support of regardless of whatever oligarch they are sucking off for upvotes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah, lots of times these people are just assholes for no reason. They're really stuck up; Nothing but narcissists.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I had made simple blogs about "the downvote" and nearly every time i mentioned changing anything, instead of talking about what it would do in code, emotions were flying everywhere.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The first paragraph is confusing - you mention hive-engine then move to pancakes.

Do you have a link to the pool you created?

I don't see the option to create zero fees on cakeswap.

Assuming nobody else uses your pool, then yes, it's just a wrapper for your 2 coins and, again assuming nobody else interferes, you will keep your coins in the initial ratio. ;-)

Still some info missing to gauge what you're really doing.

Zero fees with uniswap has no benefits - see Tribaldex - someone is spewing out rewards to entice LPers.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I am talking about fees charged to use the smart contract. There is only the BNB fee to sign the tx and nothing futher outside the 0.5 blurt that is a default fee for the exchange.

Arguably i am claiming zero fees as anything less than 1 cent in this context, so technically there is always the network fee, but nothing charged by the pancake swap outside of that 0.5 blurt.

This is the pair i provided liquidity to,

This pair is active, only on swaps over 100 BBlurt will it use BNB as a middle man token for the swap.

Originally I had the above mentioned,

277.877 Cake-LP representing my first deposit of 113.102 RBS & 684.419 BBlurt

I did a test transaction of 10 BBlurt to RBS, and now this is the result. The Pool has adjusted my balances accordingly to 111.198 RBS and 694.419 BBlurt.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

OK, yes that starts to make sense. I noticed that too - that the BSC network fees were fairly small but the contract fees were so large that it is often a waste of time to go in with small/moderate amounts.
The smart contract admins are the greedy ones!

BUT, I still don't understand how wrapping your tokens in a bespoke pool is any better than just holding those tokens? Is it purely tax reasons of definitions of capital gains? thx

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I would get 0.17% of the total volume of the transaction (up to the total value of my share) as a LP fee.

That's what i like, you have to physically hold the tokens to get the majority of the fees. There is a small 0.2% portion that is burnt in pancake swap, so since its burnt its null as value.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

so... you like fees when you are the recipient! lmao.

But I understand, the separate contract fees are a real drain unless trading large quantities.

But be careful as with such a small pool, someone can maliciously "rebalance" your pool. Such mis-aligned prices then demand the opposite swap - just saying to monitor it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Its the people removing big banks from the middleman role when we do this.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'll up vote it - but I didn't understand a word of it...lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

lol well at least the 6 months of solitary confinement to a computer terminal in 2014 finally earned me a "first in" investor title.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

See above....

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Upvoted! Just because you do not have outgoing delegations / report plagiarism.
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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Finally a plag bot that isnt cringe. I like the wording of this.