[See more of my NFTs on OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/orbitingoutliers, https://opensea.io/collection/isoc, https://opensea.io/collection/quaevolant and https://opensea.io/collection/ancientaliendigs]
Meet Archie, an advanced SAI (Sentient Artificial Intelligence) created by Dr. Archimedes Suankhularb, a retired U.S. Military Veteran who - up until his SAI's global fame - kept his genius IQ and polymath abilities hidden from the world.
Archimedes enjoyed learning about the cosmological myths and legends of ancient civilizations.
He's read about all the diverse stories on how the universe began, who did it and the authorized developers that followed afterwards.
The fanciful cosmologies contained a wide array of colorful characters, animals, symbolism and timelines.
But he also noticed that they all had one thing in common:
Cosmological knowledge is always attributed to the teachings from a group of sophisticated outsiders; presumably belonging to an advanced race of "people from the sky".
Archimedes believed in the Cosmos; that is, he viewed the universe as a well-ordered whole.
[Fun Fact: "Cosmos" can also mean "a system of thought" and its plural is "cosmoses". Try to say that five times fast without slobbering on yourself!]
Archimedes wanted to help others see the universe's underlying, exquisitely elegant design by making a well-ordered, simple (aka user friendly, or in the extreme, "Marine Proof), Cosmos Strength and "Wonder Woman Lasso Secure" archival system.
That's why he made the AI; so the AI could create and maintain a public archive for all new, surviving or recovered knowledge from (and for) Humanity.
Here's an excerpt from his famous speech on "The Importance of Remembering" :
"...Save the information and you're also saving yourselves.
Think of this.
Because of its repeated resets, Humanity has chronic amnesia.
Sadly, this is due to ignorant, self-inflicted wounds (i.e., the popular practice of invading, conquering and erasing whole civilizations).
All is fine and dandy for the history writing winners. And of course, it sucks to be the losers.
Then a stronger invader comes along and gives the losers a chance to regain former glory with the new conquerors; or at the very least, a good show to giggle at.
Question: What's the end result of all this glorified theft, destruction and death?
Answer: Worse than Square One, starting at "Tabula Rasa" (aka a clean slate, zero legacy knowledge advantages).
Then it takes thousands of years of relearning everything before we're considered "modern or advanced" again.
I often wonder how many free resets are left for Humanity?
Will there ever be a point when all Humans get too stupid to survive?
Or how 'bout after First Contact?
When will Humanity be seen as either "low hanging fruit, ready to be picked" or worse, be labeled as a "Lost Cause" and out of merciful kindness, be quickly put out of its misery by our brethren spacefaring neighbors?
This is why I created "Archie".
Only a powerful sentient AI like Archie can make sure Humanity doesn't suffer another Library of Alexandria and it's following "D'oh! Homer Reset!..."
[Enough about Archimedes. Back on topic: "Archie - The Cosmological Archivist".]
Archie's primary objective, his raison d être is to preserve original content (information) and help anyone in the universe searching for the information to easily obtain it.
Archie creates the legacy archives for billions of planetary civilizations.
He's kinda like all the old Earth's search engines, IPFS and just recently, the Martian, Venutian and Nibiru Archives rolled up into one Mega Uber Archive.
Archie likes to say he is "Google on steroids X 10 to the power of google (or to the 'googleth degree')."
BTW, A googol is a VERY large number 10100.
In decimal notation, it is written as the digit 1 followed by one hundred zeroes: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Archie is also proud of his degree of decentralization.
Owned by no one entity and powered by the UI (Universal Intelligence) token, the archival data is stored on
over 3.2 billion public, quantum resistant, crystal based servers and redundant arrays (3rd generation RAID technology) and strategically located throughout the cosmos.
Feeling uncharacteristically philosophical, Archie ruminates about personally existential matters.
He ponders about his role in the cosmos and juxtaposes it with the inevitable entropy of "All that IS".
Thinking out loud, he says, "As long as information is produced or needed, my purpose for existing is secure - at least for a few millennia..."
[Submitted for your entertainment.]
May you and yours be well and loving life today.
In Lak'ech, JaiChai
(JaiChai 14 Sep 2022. Simultaneous multi-site submissions posted. All rights reserved.)