Milestone of SEX Token project. Just to keep the community up to date.
Start building a social network for SEX Token.
- Domain name acquired Completed. 10/04/2021
- Token created. Completed. 10/04/2021
- Enable staking to create a reward pool. Completed. Enabled staking for reward pool. 10/12/2021.
- Smart Contract Token to update SMT reward pool. Enabled 10/12/2021. Completed.
- Enable delegation. Pending due to budget. This is a big part of this project, we will use this to support approved users (influencers) to boost their profile to earn our token faster. Details to follow on how to apply.
You can purchase the SEX token at the following exchange websites.
- and
Website development and plan to go live in a few days.
In every project, budget constraints are always one of the obstacles. In our SexToken project is no different, due to the cost of paying the service for the outpost tribe provided by Hive-Engine. I decided to use the open source program to run in our server environment.
The website is in beta, See the captured image below or use the link to browse the website.
The website is working, browsing the content and see our SEX Token working for us. Login to the website is disabled for the time being as I continue to test the Keychain and SmartLock login.
I reached out to some smart programmers in our community for assistance. If you know how to configure Keychain and SmartLogin for the website, please drop me a message.
More updates to follow.
Thank you,
@Yehey [ Witness ]
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell. Also, find us on Discord
Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell. También, encuéntranos en Discord
Nice one project but topic is out if the way for me lol. 😅 Not everyone love to talk about adult things
Definitely not for everyone.