Frank Bacon fights South Park

in # southpark •  2 years ago • 6 min read


Frank Bacon, the cryptographic novelist, had flown his space ship back to South Park to meet with his pals that he helped fight off aliens with and has pranked in the past. Now that Frank is a part of their gang.

But some of the children were wary of Frank, yet Stan was willing to give him a chance and bring him in. He saw potential in Frank and thought that they could work together to stop future alien invasions.

Cartman, however, was not so welcoming. He made it clear that Frank was not welcome in their group, citing his lack of trust in Frank and his aversion to the use of blockchain technology.

Frank tried to reason with Cartman, telling him about the benefits of blockchain and how it could help them in their fight against future alien attacks. But Cartman remained unconvinced.

Cartman: "I don't care how fancy your blockchain thingamajig is, Frank. It's not gonna save our town."

Frank: "But Cartman, the blockchain is the future! It's a decentralized, secure system that-"

Cartman: "I don't wanna hear it! Blockchain is just a fancy word for a bunch of computer nonsense. I ain't ever gonna use Blurt the Blockchain blog."

Frank: "But Cartman, blockchain is used in so many industries these days. It's not just about Blurt the Blockchain blog."

Cartman: "I don't care! I don't like it and I'm not gonna use it."

Stan: "Come on, Cartman. We need all the help we can get. Maybe we should give the blockchain a chance."

Cartman: "No way, shut the fuck up Stan! I'd rather fight the aliens with sticks and stones than use blockchain."

Frank smiled patiently, ready to explain. "It's a decentralized system that uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions."

Cartman rolled his eyes. "Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure that's just a fancy way of saying 'nerd shit.'"

Frank bristled at Cartman's dismissive tone. "Blockchain is an incredibly powerful tool, one that could help us defeat future alien attacks and save this town."

But Cartman was unmoved. "I don't care how powerful it is, I'm not using it. I don't trust that shit."

As the argument continued, the other children watched in amusement. They had never seen Cartman so passionate about anything before.

Cartman scoffed. "Yeah, and I'm sure it's also completely boring. You know what's not boring? Casa Bonita. That place is more powerful than blockchain."

Frank raised an eyebrow. "Casa Bonita? The Mexican restaurant?"

Cartman nodded eagerly. "Yeah, you know it! It's got cliff divers, mariachi bands, and all the sopapillas you can eat. Now that's real power."

Stan spoke up, considering Cartman's point. "You know, Cartman might have a point. Casa Bonita is pretty powerful."

Frank looked confused. "How is a restaurant more powerful than blockchain?"

Cartman nodded vigorously. "See, Stan gets it. Casa Bonita is the most powerful force in the universe."

Frank looked at them both in disbelief. "Guys, we're talking about alien invasions here. This is serious."

But Stan wasn't so sure anymore. "I mean, Frank, you can't deny that Casa Bonita is pretty amazing. Have you ever been there?"

Frank shook his head. "No, I haven't. But I fail to see how that's relevant to our current situation."

Cartman smirked. "Oh, it's relevant, all right. Casa Bonita is the key to everything."

Stan explained, "Well, think about it. Casa Bonita has cliff divers, puppet shows, and all-you-can-eat sopapillas. Plus, it's been around for decades.

Frank couldn't help but laugh. "I don't think Casa Bonita is going to save us from an alien invasion, Cartman."

Cartman shrugged. "Agree to disagree. I'm sticking with what works."

Frank erupts in anger at Cartman's inability to understand logic and reason. Cartman acting like a little bitch. Frank grabs Kenny throat and snaps it, Kenny limp body drops to the floor.

Stan: "Oh my God! You killed Kenny!"

Cartman: "Goddammit! I will kick you in the nuts Frank!"

Frank: "Fuck you guys and Fuck your town! I am going to get my ship and take you all down. South Park will be mine!"

Frank kicks Cartman in the nuts and walks off.

Frank decided to just take the town of South Park for himself as he loads up in his ship and flies off to come up with a plan.

The children of South Park were determined to stop Frank Bacon, but they knew they needed help. They reached out to the Mutual UFO Network (M.U.F.O.N.), an organization dedicated to investigating and researching UFO sightings and encounters, some believe that Frank's Mom was involved with the group.

M.U.F.O.N. arrived in South Park, bringing with them advanced technology and knowledge of extraterrestrial life. The children were thrilled to have the extra help.

Meanwhile, Frank continued his plan to take over the town. He used his advanced technology, which he had developed using the power of blockchain, to hack into the town's infrastructure and take control of its systems.

But the children, with the help of M.U.F.O.N., had a plan of their own. They had learned that Frank's ship was vulnerable to EMPs (electromagnetic pulses), which would disable his technology and leave him vulnerable.

The children and M.U.F.O.N. launched a coordinated attack on Frank's ship, using EMPs to disable his systems. Frank was caught off guard, and he didn't know how to respond to the sudden loss of control.

With Frank's ship disabled, the Stan and Cartman were able to board it and confront him. Frank was shocked to see the Stan and Cartman standing before him.

"You kids and your little UFO friends think you can stop me?" Frank sneered.

But the Cartman and Stan, had the upper hand. They were able to outsmart Frank and overpower him, taking control of his ship.

In the end, Frank was defeated, and the children of South Park were hailed as heroes. They had successfully protected their town from Frank Bacon and proved that even the smallest and most unassuming of creatures can be the most formidable opponents.

As they looked out at the wreckage of Frank's ship, Cartman turned to the others and said, "Well, that was easy. We should do this every week."

But Kyle shook his head. "No way, guys. Let's just stick to fighting bad guys on Earth for now."

"Aw, come on, Kyle. Don't be a buzzkill," said Stan "I'm in the mood for Casa Bonita now."

The gang grabs Kenny's dead body and drags him off with them as they head off for all-you-can-eat sopapillas.

Meanwhile, Frank was locked up in a cell, muttering to himself about how he was going to get his revenge. But the children weren't too worried. They knew that they had M.U.F.O.N. on their side and that they could handle whatever Frank threw their way.

As they walked away from the wreckage, the children and M.U.F.O.N. shared a collective sigh of relief. They had saved their town once again, and they knew that they would be ready for whatever came next.

I blame Frankbacon

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

C U Next Tuesday
