The Dragon & The Rings

in # sportstalk •  5 days ago (edited)• 2 min read


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Listening to a Bruce Lee Interview whilst practising the traditional Linking Rings...with modern styled Linking Rings.

Traditional Linking Rings are very large in diameter. I prefer the rings crafted by American Magician Joshua Messado.

They sing as they move. And regarding the ring moves...the first half of the video is the routine straight from Mr Messado's (artist name) original rendition. The latter half is a mixture of Mr Messado's original routine along with my own creations.

My two creations are the vertical roll linking unlinking...i call it "Soaring Dragon Brings Harmony". It reminds me of clouds. It reminds me of Dragons doing barrel rolls in the air. It reminds me of a Dog rolling around in fluffy soft grass also. I took inspiration from:

  1. Bruce Lee's high vertical kicks
  2. From Hexagram 1, specifically line 5, of the Yijing/I Ching - (Qian) HEAVEN:
    Qian:In the fifth NINE, undivided, (we see its subject as) the dragon on the wing in the sky. It will be advantageous to meet with the great man.

I am especially proud of my second creation, which you shall see in the final part of the routine (in the world of magicians, we call a trick that has one phase an "effect"; when effects are strung together they form a "routine"), where i link and unlink with just my left hand, spinning the unlinked ring horizontally on/around my left thumb (it's good that my thumbs are straight lol), then tossed vertically in the air. It's very flashy. I took inspiration again from Hexagram 1 (Qian), specifically line 4:

Qian:In the fourth NINE, undivided, (we see its subject as the dragon looking) as if he were leaping up, but still in the deep. There will be no mistake.

I call this second creation "Song of the Dragon's Tail".

Thanks for watching!

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