(JaiChai) "Attending a TA (Thai-A-Holics Anonymous) Meeting" -Humor

in # thai •  last month • 1 min read


(Standing at the podium)

“Hello. My name is JaiChai. And I’m a Thai-A-Holic.”

Audience: “H-e-l-l-o-o-o-o

JaiChai!” “It’s been nine hours since I had my last Thai…”

(Roaring sound of clapping from the approving audience…)

Seriously, though, Thailand - and especially Thai women, can easily seduce a man. The longer one stays in Thailand, exposed to all the exotic temptations, the harder it is to leave!


Submitted for your amusement.

May you and yours be well and loving life today.

In Lak'ech,


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