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in # blurtlatam •  2 years ago • 2 min read

I don't know the author but they are beautiful words very true


Once a mother was asked which was her favorite son, the one she loved the most. She, revealing a smile, replied: "Nothing is more fickle than a mother's heart, and, as a mother, I answer: the favorite son is the one to whom I dedicate myself body and soul:

He is my sick son, until he heals.

The one who left, until he returns.

The one who is tired, until he rests.

The one who is hungry, until he is fed.

The one who is thirsty, until he drinks.

The one who is studying, until he learns.

The one who is naked, until he gets dressed.

The one who does not work, until he is employed.

The one who falls in love, until he gets married.

The one who marries, until he lives.

The one who is a father, until he raises them.

The one who promised, until he fulfills.

The one who owes, until he pays.

The one who cries, until he shuts up.

And already with the very distant face of that smile, she completed: The one who already left me… until he finds him again… ”

A mother always sees in her son the sleeping hope that one day he will wake up. Her faith always sustains her. Mother is a mother, even if her son forgets about her. So it is and so it will be forever

I wanted to share it with you, because mothers are always there, for us, we move heaven and earth for our children.

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