Benefits of Owning Crypto

in # blurtlife •  3 years ago • 4 min read

Cryptocurrency is actually the order of the day right now, most especially in this 20 century, despite it existence since the 90's ,it is now gaining lot of attention than ever before, right now if their one thing that the digital world today as given to everyone without stress I will definitely say it is cryptocurrency.

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It is very important and vital that we all know that Cryptocurrency goes beyond holding a token or buying and waiting for it price to raise when it comes to market value, their are others means of transactions in which forex trading is an example.

But irrespective of how small or big it might be in terms of quantity or Market value, their is always a huge benefits when it comes to holding a crypto coin.


Transactions are made easy when it comes to Crypto and it occur at a very low cost and it comes in a very private manner compared to other transactions, which means on most occasions it freed you from any means of third party while transcating, using a smart phone or hardware wallet is an idea means.of making transactions.


Due to the fact that it is based on cryptography and Blockchain security, decentralized Cryptocurrencies makes rooms for secure mode of payment. Honestly it secure mode of payment is definitely one of the most important benefits.

Coin like Bitcoin as proven to be the most secure crypto coin due to the fact that it is the most used coin currently. Making use of crypto is highly secure and case's of been hacked only occur as a result of mistakes or negligence from either of the party during a transaction or so.

Because they are based on cryptography and blockchain security, decentralized Cryptocurrencies tend to make room for secure forms of payment. This might be one of the most certain benefits of cryptocurrency.

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Despite the fact that some want to invest in cryptocurrency for a short period of time due price factor, others also see the needs to hold on to it as a medium of exchange too.Unlike banks transactions that can take time or days at times crypto transactions won't exceded 5 minutes or less and charges on each transactions are more lesser than that of the banks.


It is no more new that Cryptocurrency industry is definitely one of the fastest growing industry today and honestly platforms like leofinace and other Cryptocurrency site as proven that too. ask @blurt and his team members you will get to understand that the rate at which the industry grows recently as proven that it is one of the most sort after initiative. The total market cap of Cryptocurrency as rose above over $1.4 trillion as at date.


The level of privacy involved at times is one benefits of Cryptocurrency, but crypto at times is not that private as Blockchain on it own create a public legder that has record of all transactions , An intelligent user can track another person transaction to a specific wallet and tracking of such users activities can be known. But it ability of freedom from a third party or user before a transaction can be processed is definitely the best during crypto transaction.

Holding on to some coins at this present times irrespective of the dip too is another advantage , as this is one of the Market structure that is from inflation and it market value of status can't be determined or influence easily by a set of people.

Irrespective of how small or little the value and quantity of a token might be right now,it is very vital that holding on to such token is more profitable, ask @blurt he will tell you that the current dip in price should not be a reason Why you should not take your time to enjoy the benefits that tend to do with doing transactions using crypto and that which comes via holding on to a coin.

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