"Human was the Alien of Greenless Planet"

in # blurtlife •  4 years ago • 5 min read

The Most Wonderful People,
Here I'm going to make you all happy, who loves the Green Beauty of our Nature.


Without any statistical results, here I can declare one statistic with a guarantee. The percentage of lovers of Green Nature, undoubtedly 100%. It is quite impossible to find out a single person who doesn't love our green nature if you wanna make a Statistical report based on every human being's conversational statement. On the other hand, it will be the most difficult job, if you are going to calculate the percentage of Green Nature lovers people, by their regular activities, thinking, and emotions with our Green Nature. Here you can't misjudge my assuming percentage, it might be only 3%-5% of our overall population on Earth.


On behalf of Green Earth Planet, Human Beings are The Most intelligent Alien on Earth.
Looks like I made you laugh? You have only One minute to laugh.

Times up. Relax Please!....

It's time to create some dermal lines in your forehead, falling you into deep thinking!


Let me explain, we are Alien with my logic. The percentage is very poor of the peoples who don't Respect and loves their parents. Because partially believe that we are on this earth because of our parents. The percentage is very low, people who do rough behave with their parents and also who are trying to kill their parents. Because we know that our parents are feeding and caring for us. In a word the overall feedback of a child to his or her parents always be positive.

Let me ask you a question? Did you ever feel, maybe you are not from your's present parents, you are from another? Never!! Because you are very sure about your origin in terms of your Biological facts. But when the question is raises for the beginning and Origins of overall Human beings, then why still we are not able to answer the exact answer, not the explanation. Why there is multiple theory about it, still no practical prove. Maybe we have a very strong feeling, Earth is not our origin.


Let me show a very funny logic here, if the atmosphere of earth is very perfect for us, why we are searching for another perfect planet. Ignoring, the present atmosphere condition of the earth, preferring the begging atmosphere condition of Earth was perfect or suitable for us? My answer will be suitable, not perfect. Because from the beginning no Human beings were 100% cure. We never able to get escape from diseases, because we are not a part of this planet, we are adjusting here, we are surviving here for millions of years.


If the beautiful Planet Earth is our Origin, If human beings were created only in Earth and only for the Earth, then what will be the natural phenomena between Human beings and the green Planet Earth? So how should our normal actions and reactions to nature have been? What should be the relation between us and nature? Not with explanation wanna answer of those question with examples. The natural phenomena between fish and sea, the action and reaction of birds to Earth nature, instead of human beings the relation with nature and others living in The Earth Planet.


Human beings are the only life on Earth's planet, only those who are performing against the atmosphere of Green Earth Planet. They always trying to established their own interest in destroying the natural law of Earth's planet. They never look behind, destroy or use the resources to make their life comfortable. Sometimes the nature and atmosphere of Earth are trying to punished Human beings, but human beings never care about it.

The natural resources of planet Earth are considering as resources of living, resources of transforming, resources of playing the game of destruction for Human beings so far.


So that, without a little bit hesitation I can emphasize that, "Human beings are Alien for The Planet Earth". Maybe they were Shifted or Came from another Planet in the Galaxy.

Recently I visited a beautiful location named Sreepur at Gazipur District in Bangladesh. Maybe it was the middle of 2013 I have visited the same location. The natural beauty and natural resources of Sreepur in 2013 are still alive in my memory beings a natural drawing.

We used Bike for our tour that we can explore more beautiful places within a Short time, but this time the tour of Sreepur was not very refreshing and enjoyable for me, because the high range of deforestation for building industries, made my heart sorrow and the best realization about human beings was the only Satisfaction of this tour.


A travel feed or tour story not only all about your travel or journey, but It Can also be a story of your experiences, it can be an explanation of your self-realization.

Thanks for being with me.
Every Photo is Captured by Myself.

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