BOOK REVIEW: ATOMIC HABITS (Chapter 16: How to Stick with Good Habits Every Day)

in # blurtstory •  4 days ago • 1 min read


Continued from last post

Good day guys , welcome to another exciting review of this great book . The topic of this chapter is How to Stick with Good Habits Every Day. In the previous chapter (chapter 15) , we talked about how we can make a habit to be long lasting by finding a way to make it satisfying , these includes introducing immediate rewards for performing the habits , tracking our progress , some other methods we mentioned in the previous post.


Bad habits naturally comes with instant gratification , this is what makes it to be satisfying and makes our brain likely engage in it.


But with the knowledge we drafted from the previous chapter , we also learnt that we can also make these negative habits to be unsatisfying by introducing penalties and discomfort. So follow me as we go through this chapter and discuss with ourselves.

to be continued in the next post

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