You can see this post in English at below
지난주 블러트 증인들과 디스코드에서 논의를 하였었고 큐레이션을 하지 말아야 하는 계정 리스트를 받았습니다.
해당 계정 리스트는 git으로 관리 중이었습니다.
Collaboratively Organised Abuse List
This is a global abuse list that apps can make use of to ban/restrict or highlight users that have been identified
as abusers of the Blurt reward pool, with infringements such as farming accounts, copy-paste repetitive content, fake accounts,
plagiarism without citing source etc.
Please refer to for the curated abuse list. Please submit Pull Requests for additions or appeals.
CFARM - Comment Farming, voting own low value comments frequently
CPC - Copy-Paste-Content
FAKE - Fake Account
FARM - Farming Rewards, using multiple accounts and/or low value posts
OTHER - Uncategorised, leave explanation in the note
PLG - Plagiarism
If multiple reasons use comma delimiter, ie. CPC, PLG
Naughty children get lumps of COAL in their stockings for Xmas! :)
해당 계정들 중 블러트 업뷰 서비스를 사용하는 계정은 없었습니다. 일단 COAL 계정들은 블러트 업뷰에 서비스를 사용하더라도 보팅은 받지 못하고 포스팅을 하지 않은 것으로 판단하여 블러트 보상을 받도록 처리할 예정입니다. 관련하여 다시 한번 블러트 증인들과 논의를 하여 블러트 사이트에서 @upvu로 임대 가능한 방법을 찾아볼 생각입니다.
하지만 블러트 증인들과 협의하고 적용하는데 시간이 걸릴 것 같아서 먼저 임대가 가능하도록 사이트에 기능을 추가하였습니다. 사이트에 로그인을 하시면 @upvu 계정으로 임대가 가능합니다(튜토리얼 :
임대시에 추가로 임대할 양을 입력하는 것이 아닌 임대할 전체양을 입력하셔야 함을 다시 한번 알려드립니다.
앞으로도 블러트 업뷰에 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
아울러 블러트 업뷰가 블러트 커뮤니티 문화를 해치지 않고 상생할 수 있는 방법을 꼭 찾아서 블러트 재단 및 증인들과 함께 블러트에 도움이 될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
Greetings to all the Blurt members.
Last weekend, we discussed voting service problems with witnesses on Discord( Our user name is @upvu(percent-pro) ). And one of the witnesses thankfully shared a list of accounts, COAL(Collaboratively Organised Abuse List), which should not be curated. COAL is managed at git.
Collaboratively Organised Abuse List
This is a global abuse list that apps can make use of to ban/restrict or highlight users that have been identified
as abusers of the Blurt reward pool, with infringements such as farming accounts, copy-paste repetitive content, fake accounts,
plagiarism without citing source etc.
Please refer to for the curated abuse list. Please submit Pull Requests for additions or appeals.
CFARM - Comment Farming, voting own low value comments frequently
CPC - Copy-Paste-Content
FAKE - Fake Account
FARM - Farming Rewards, using multiple accounts and/or low value posts
OTHER - Uncategorised, leave explanation in the note
PLG - Plagiarism
If multiple reasons use comma delimiter, ie. CPC, PLG
Naughty children get lumps of COAL in their stockings for Xmas! :)
We have found that none of the accounts registered in the COAL use UPVU service. However, we will continue to update our voting system to not vote for accounts registered in COAL and to exclude those accounts from Blurt rewards. We will keep discussing with Blurt Witnesses to improve our voting system and resolve the delegation problem to our account(@upvu).
But it will take some time to make it possible to resume delegation to UPVU at Blurt Website. In the meanwhile, users will be able to delegate to @upvu at
(Tuorial :
You must enter the total delegation amount to @UPVU. For example, if you already delegated 200BP and you want to additionally delegate 300BP more, you must enter 500BP (the total amount of delegation).
We sincerely thank all the users and supporters of UVPU service, and to witnesses who gave us a great advice. We will keep improving our voting system, so that we can contribute and coexist with Blurt culture.
@eastmael, @megadrive, @blurtmob, @socialgraph, @initblurt, @jacobgadikian, @saboin, @jeenger
보팅비중 확인바랍니다. 100%인데 다른 계정과 비교해 턱없이 부족합니다.
I guess @upvu is not working anymore ?
Any updates ?
아래 포스팅 보팅이 누락돼서 댓글 남겨요^^
이틀동안 보팅이 오지않아 댓글 남겨요^^
보팅 봇 확인바랍니다.
오늘 업뷰 보팅이 안와서 요기 올려요^^
Thank you for sharing your kind comments with us.
보팅이 계속 누락이 됩니다.
확인해 주시면 감사~
얼마전 블러트 서버가 다운인지 한번 멈춘 뒤 복구가 되었지만 업뷰보팅은 복구가 안된 듯 합니다. 확인해주시기 바랍니다.
업뷰 보팅이 3일동안 오지 않았어요ㅜ
업뷰보팅 확인 바랍니다.
보팅시스템 확인바랍니다.
What is the minimum delegation amount?
보팅이 계속 누락이 됩니다.
확인해 주시면 감사~
보팅이 계속 누락이 되네요.
확인 부탁드립니다.
저도 보팅이 계속 누락이 됩니다.
확인해 주시면 감사~
보팅이 계속 누락이 됩니다. 확인해 주세요.
Voting keeps missing please check!
보팅이 계속 누락이 됩니다. 확인해 주세요.
BLURT 하고 UPVU 뭔일 있나요?
알려주시면 감사~
I have not received any upvotes for a few days now.
Can you tell me what the reason is?
Am I doing something wrong?
@upvu 업뷰 보팅이 멈췄네요.
3일 동안 보팅이 안 들어오네요~
확인 부탁 드려요.
업뷰 보팅이 스톱되었네요. 체크바랍니다.
@upvu 안녕하세요.
어제, 오늘 게시물에 보팅이 안 들어와서 댓글 남깁니다.
나중에 확인 부탁드립니다.
나는 또한 며칠 동안 @silvertop과 Mrs @elizabethbit에 대한 찬성표를 얻지 못했습니다!
naneun ttohan myeochil dong-an @silvertopgwa Mrs @elizabethbit-e daehan chanseongpyoleul eodji moshaessseubnida!
I also did not get an up vote for @silvertop and the Mrs @elizabethbit for several days!
오늘 포스팅 한 게시물이 보팅이 되지 않아서 댓글 남겨요
나중에 한 번 확인해주세요.
권한위임(delegation)을 했는데, 보팅이 되지 않네요. 확인 부탁드립니다.
Hi buddy. How are you today..
Hello, I tried to delegate using your system, will you know if there is any error?

Here I show you the panatalla catches:
You are not voting for me. Did I make some mistake in the post? add me in your team,please
저도 지난 며칠간 보팅이 안들어옵니다.
Blurt 측하고 뭔일이 있나요?
보팅이 안 들어오네요~
나중에 한 번 확인해주세요~!!
Hellooooo... I wont to be your team!!!!
Heloooo upvuuu...cen I bi your team or no?!
Hello UPVU, I have been trying to up my delegation to you on Blurt and keep getting " BAD GATEWAY 502" ........
Hello @upvu,
In fact, you are doing well job before us.
Yesterday, I also made blurt power up .
So,I invite you to visit my blog and encourage me. Don't mind of my matter.
Hello, it looks like impossible to delegate to your account... How to proceed?
Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @asifniazi01.
7월 3일 보상이 안들어 왔어요. 확인해 주세요.
업뷰사이트에서 추가 임대를 진행하였는데 분배비율을 보면 예전 임대량으로 계산되는것 같습니다. 확인 부탁드립니다.
보팅은 익일에 바로 적용이 되고 분배는 일주일 뒤에 적용이 됩니다.
스팀 업뷰도 동일하니 참고하세요.
Hello. I don't know if you check your comments here or not. But in case you do I have a question for you. As you probably are aware, there are many here at Blurt who see your service as a bad thing. I'm not one of them, although I wouldn't use the service myself and believe those who use it should probably be more in the pure investor category that don't have time for the social side. I believe those folks are beneficial to the project unlike many here.
I've advocated strongly in my time here for your service, as I respect property rights which includes the rights of those who wish to use your service.
However, there is still a constant push to have your service nullified by some of the more powerful accounts here.
I mention all of this because one of the largest stakeholders here mentioned about asking you if you could change one thing in your interactions here. That if you would then they would no longer be advocating for your business structure to be banished.
In an effort to try and defuse this situation I come to you to examine their wishes in the hopes that the two of you could reach some kind of agreement.
Here is what was said to me.
Hey guys, what do you think about asking upvu to sponsor good content with two or three full votes a day? They would just follow with their votes accounts like r2cornell, visualblock, onchain-curator and language orientated curation projects
If they agreed to it, even I would accept their existence on Blurt
I wish to reiterate, I'm only a messenger and personally defend the property rights of all here including you and your clients. I chose to be a messenger however because I see an effort being made by one of your most powerful opponents and I would love to see the tension regarding this issue resolved in a way that is palatable to all involved.
While I respect your right of refusal, I will add that such an action on your part would go far in the sense that you would be contributing to the greater Blurt project beyond what you do now which is solely focused on the interests of your clients. So while respecting your right to refusal, I also would ask you consider whether it is in the best interests of your business and your clients to help create a stronger structure that offers the environment for your business to operate within.
Thank you for any consideration you may give to this proposal. If you find it agreeable perhaps you could reach out to ctime and work out the specifics.
5월 2일 보상도 안들어 왔네요. 4월 30일도요. 확인해달하고 했는데 답변도 없네요. 다시 한번 부탁드립니다.
Thank you for your Service. Could you also offer the Option for Investors to Delegate 500,000 Blurt power to you and you simply deposit 1,000 liquid Blut to their Wallet ?
Ie: no need for daily posts ?? People are complaining that the Upvu voted posts are taking over the Trending page….
I think this investment/ staking option would solve all the problems people have with Voting Services #vts #iduvts etc etc etc
4월 30일 보상이 안들어 왔습니다. 확인부탁드립니다.
upvu.org에서는 아래사진과 같이 4월 27일자 블러트 리워드가 전송되었다고 표출되고 있는데 실제 저의 블러트 개인 지갑에는 이 날짜 리워드가 보이지 않습니다. 확인 바랍니다.

Hi, sorry, I don't quite understand one thing unfortunately.
Would you please explain this thing to me.
I have delegated to upvu 1,171,675 BP.
4/23/2022 2:10 AM I have received 286,933 BLURT Rewards.
In your wallet I see 3 positions under the transfer to me the transfer to xpilar.
xpilar has delegated 137,103 BP to upvu.
He has received 83,698 BLURT Rewards.
Now if I calculate:
83,698 divided by 137,103 multiplied by 1,171,675 results in 715,279.
So, instead of 286,933 BLURT, I should have received 715,279 BLURT as Rewards?
(Compared to the payment to xpilar).
Thanks in advance for your answer!
With kind regards
Please reply.. I went to deligate 7k blurt.. it is possible now?
Good afternoon.
Why don't you vote for posts for 2 days already.
I am a delegate.
지난 14일부터 업뷰보팅이 오지 않고 있습니다.
안녕하세요 델리게이션 안됩니다. This account has been reported for unfiltered vote-for-delegation. Delegations are blocked. @upvu 계정 쓰면 저런 메시지가 나오네요.
블러트 업뷰 사이트에서 키체인으로 위임했습니다. 잘 되네요~
Hello dear sir @upvu,
In fact, you are doing well job before us.
Yesterday, I also made blurt power up .
So,I invite you to visit my blog and encourage me. Don't mind of my matter.
Please, click the following link to see.
Hi UPVU Actifit just started cross posting to Blurt all post. Both myself @silvertop and @elizabethbit have been manually posting to Blurt everyday, and Delegating to UPVU and receiving up votes. Today Actifit automatically posted, and we were missed for up votes. Can you look into this, maybe Actifit needs to be added to your approved list?
Happy to see you here!
I am delegating 1000Bp for your account so that i will receive support from you like other people
need 10000 BP!!
임대 1만개를 액티브키까지 확인 했는데 그 이후에 아무 반응이 없네요. 현재 임대가 가능한것인가요?
잘 되고 있습니다!
I have not seen your support for two days, are you okay? Or is there something wrong with me?
Hi, how much BP is needed to get upvote from upvu?
10000 BP
Upvu 사이트에서 Whalevalut로 임대를 시도했지만 임대가 안되어서 고민입니다.
제가 잘못한 것인지요?
다른 extension을 설치해야하는 것인지, 아직 증인들과 추가 소통후 조치를 기다려야 하는 것인지 말씀 부탁드립니다. 다른 서비스를 이용하기보다는, 익숙하고 신뢰가 높은이용하고 Upvu를 이용하려고 합니다.
다시 시도하니, 시간차를 두고 반영이 되었습니다.
뭔가 블록체인과의 연결이 매끄럽지 않은 것인지, 부드럽게 반영된다는 느낌이 없는 것이 아쉽습니다. 아무래도 여전히 블러트측과의 합의가 애매한 부분도 있어서 더 그러리라 생각해봅니다. 감사합니다.
Ho ho ho @upvu,
I'm glad to see you improve the quality of presents coming to Blurt. I wonder how I can follow an upvote trail on Blurt.
I believe that if you are able to implement the following rules to your service, you could eliminate a lot of abuse:
Hi, @famigliacurione. We appreciate for your great suggestions!!
Thank you for taking the time to consider them, and I hope your service will stop being criticized and obstructed.
Wow it's nice
Very nice